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Which product would you rather buy? and why?
Option B won this Ranked poll with a final tally of 28 votes after 2 rounds of votes counting.
In a Ranked poll, respondents rank every option in order of preference. For example, when you test 6 options, each respondent orders their choices from first to sixth place.
PickFu requires a majority to win a Ranked poll. A majority winner differs from a plurality winner. A majority winner earns over 50% of the votes, whereas a plurality winner earns the most votes, regardless of winning percentage.
If an option does not earn a majority of votes, PickFu eliminates the option with the lowest number of votes. The votes from the eliminated option are reassigned based on each respondent’s next choice. This process continues in rounds until a majority winner emerges.
Scores reflect the percentage of total votes an option receives during the vote counting and indicate the relative preference of the respondents. If there is no majority winner, look to the scores to see how the options fared relative to one another.
Option | Round 1 | Round 2 |
B | 42% 21 votes | 56% 28 votes +7 |
C | 38% 19 votes | 44% 22 votes +3 |
A | 20% 10 votes | Eliminated 10 votes reassigned |
10 Responses to Option A
I would buy A because I like how the product is shown in use in the picture
A because it definitely has a detailed look to it and the extra seat belt illustration gives it that much more efficacy.
My choices A why because i really like it
I like A the most. i thinkt hat if you are going to get one of these you might as well get a sturdy one
shows product in use and how it can help me and benefit me in my life as well as it seems to last the longest and be the better quality
A must for anyone who travels with their animals.Wonderful protection for your vehicleIt's very safe for your pets and vehicleVery easy to install and to remove and clean
I was a little concerned about the quality of the cheaper options. I liked that A featured the boldest, brightest colors.
Option A includes and shows off the head rest cover, the biggest issue I have with most products like this. They almost never cover the head rest, meaning it gets covered in fur. I feel like Option A would solve this.
the background on the photo makes A and B look higher quality and although I liked the orange color on C it did not look as good as the others.
This shows the product in use in a really good manner in my opinion
21 Responses to Option B
B does the best job to show off the product and how it works. It gives me the best perspective of it.
B and C are the same price. A is more expensive which I don't really care for.
It's very important for me to be able to see the product installed in a car so I can see the overall layout and how everything fits together. When comparing B and A, I go with option B because it has over 10k star ratings while still being the cheaper option.
I like that it gives a nice broad view of how the product could look like in their own car.
I think I'm most curious about B, with the mesh window and smaller side panels. I feel like it is better so my dogs can see outside better.
Price did have an effect on my rankings, but I would be more likely to buy the product if I saw it installed as opposed to just sitting independently.
I like B and C at this price, and B looks like its normally really expensive so I'm getting a great deal here.
Option B looks like a wide and functional mat. I like that it seems to cover the entirety of the back seat as I don't need hair anywhere, or scratches.
I would go with option B because it is the most affordable and high quality to me. Option C looks quite effective as well. Option A looks the most enticing to me.
Option B was affordable and had a detailed picture of how it fits in the vehicle. Option C was affordable. Option A was too expensive and looks complicated.
The first two look about the same but I do like option B more because you can see it in a car and not just guess what it will look like. It looks like it will be a sturdy enough product that won't move around as the dogs do while the car is moving. Option A I simply would not want because it costs more and doesn't seem to give any additional benefit.
I prefer the look of this image. It looks very secure and complete to me.
The example in option B is the best look. I would go with that for the choice to show the size and how nice this looks here. Excellent looking product for this and think that will be great for dog owners protecting their upholstery. Looks nice at $36.99 also.
I like seeing the cover in use in the car, plus it has great reviews and a good price.
The price here seems reasonable. The product has a good amount of positive reviews. And I think seeing the product in use is very helpful.
The deal in B is very appealing and the reviews are better than A and I prefer the image for B and I also like the image for A but the deal puts B in 1st. C doesnt look that great in the image, the reviews are the only reason i considered raising the rank but it wasnt enough.
The picture in the car gave me a better idea of how the product would fit/work
The look of the seat covers in B and A at the back of a car is best for realism
I prefer this one because I can see where this product should be used. I also like that is waterpoof and will protect the windows as well at the seats
4.5 stars is really good still so I would go with a cheaper 4.5 star option. I also like how option B shows us how it looks in a car !
I think the picture of the product is better cause it shows how it’s supposed to lay and look on the seat
19 Responses to Option C
I prefer Option C because it is cheap and because it gives me a good idea of everything that is included with my purchase.
the design and price tags were considered also ranging to the quality of the product.
C and B are more economical, C seems to me more functional than the other 2.
I like that it has the most high quality reviews so I will pick this one. The price is the same as the other low priced one.
All three looked pretty similar to me, so I used number of reviews, since the ratings were the same. Since others seem to like C, that was my choice.
i like it it shows the entire mat. i think this is the best view for the product
I like C as it shows the clips and fasteners that come with it.
I would prefer a cheaper one because it is likely to get a lot of wear and tear over the years, and will need to be replaced.
Since the prices are included I would go with the lowest price one. Plus this one seem more poperur than the other ones with them most ratings.
I would rather buy this because I trust reviews a lot when I am buying online. If something has the most reviews then it is usually popular and it must be good to be so popular. C has the most reviews by far so it is my choice. I also like the color scheme
C being waterproof and heavy duty would work well for me. B I don't need the mesh window it would just be destroyed by my dogs. A is only water repellant, not enough for me
I like Option C because it's more visually informative. The price is good and it's easy to imagine it in your car. The other two options are a bit murky and expensive.
C does the best job of showing what’s covered in my opinion. It covers the whole seat or appears to. Neither b or a have that from the looks of the photo
I prefer the option C seat cover product listing because I like the orange highlights on the seat cover and the large pocket on the left side of the image on this seat cover the most. I chose option B second because this seat cover is also inexpensive but the pocket is much smaller and there is no color on it. I chose option A last because this seat cover does not appear to have any pockets for storing things like the other two options and is much more expensive.
I most prefer option C. The price is great, the listing clearly shows me the product, and the reviews are very positive.
There is not much in terms of functionality or features that would differentiate between or justify the additional cost of the more expensive options. Therefore, I would be most likely to purchase option C because it satisfies all of my wants/needs for this type of product at the most attractive price point.
I think the appealing part is the idea of it being waterproof and so I chose C simply because of the pop-out of the water being repelled.
I'd be most likely to buy the one in Option C because it has a good rating, it's very affordable and looks good to use.
I am going to try and save money here, so I would go from go from cheapest to least inexpensive.
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