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Which product would you buy?
Option A won this Ranked poll with a final tally of 51 votes after 1 round of vote counting.
In a Ranked poll, respondents rank every option in order of preference. For example, when you test 6 options, each respondent orders their choices from first to sixth place.
PickFu requires a majority to win a Ranked poll. A majority winner differs from a plurality winner. A majority winner earns over 50% of the votes, whereas a plurality winner earns the most votes, regardless of winning percentage.
If an option does not earn a majority of votes, PickFu eliminates the option with the lowest number of votes. The votes from the eliminated option are reassigned based on each respondent’s next choice. This process continues in rounds until a majority winner emerges.
Scores reflect the percentage of total votes an option receives during the vote counting and indicate the relative preference of the respondents. If there is no majority winner, look to the scores to see how the options fared relative to one another.
Option | Round 1 |
A | 51% 51 votes |
C | 26% 26 votes |
B | 23% 23 votes |
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Walmart.com shopper
51 Responses to Option A
These are specific about their ingredients.
I love showing off nice items that I own, and Option A has a gorgeous label that will get the questions flowing from company. It is an incredible looking product, and I would be first in line for this particular item.
If I were looking for salt and pepper combo I wouldn't pick the bagel seasoning,
I like A best because it's something that would be great for toast or meats, making a good accent, a way to get easy upgrade in a meal. C is also good, I just like the font better on A though. B is intriguing and if I were a huge bagel person I'd get this item for sure, I'm not though.
I think that the flavored pepper sounds intriguing. I like that it's written just normally on the front. I didn't care as much for the one that was printed on its side.
This is based on personal preference of the label mainly and that it doesn't have onion in it.
Looks like A and C are the same (just minor font highlights). Option B is my last choice as I have no clue whether or not it would be my cup of tea.
I like option A because the old school text really makes the bottle stand out more and look authentic.
I prefer the product displayed in Image A.
I liked choice W the best since the seasoning sounds delicious and grabs my interest. Choice C is hard to red and choice B sounds okay but too plain.
The label design makes it look more appealing. Option B does not have anything to draw me towards the product.
It seems like the most serious and legit spice and it clearly has the cleanest appeal along with the best color options.
I like option A the best because I think the label is a good match for the salt and garlic. I also like that all of the text is horizontal, which makes it easy to read.
The dark colored bottle lid certainly makes this look like a more high end product which is something people who are into cooking generally want. Between the two with the black lid I prefer the version where all text is horizontal as it is easier to read.
Option A would be my first choice because this spice is more versatile in cooking and the label is easier to read
I prefer the salt and pepper mixtures, and specifically the one with the grey, black and white labeling.
The use of the white label perfectly compliments the black cap used on the container. The black font is large and easy to read. It comes off as being simple and doesn't try to overwhelm with design.
Option "A": I picked this product for the inclusion of the spice types, pepper, salt and garlic, which were prominent on the bottle label making the exact mixture quite clear; additionally the label design on this product was slightly better visually. I'd buy this one for sure.
Black pepper and salt/garlic I would use on everything so choice A is my favorite
A has an immediate and swanky eye appeal that looks both sleek and modern.
I am not interested in bagel seasoning. It looks like everything bagel toppings and I hate everything bagels. Choice A has the most attractive label, so it is my favorite
Option A is the most eye catching of the choices and I like the packaging the most.
I like the design of the label in option A the most. I also like the description of the product in option A
Option A and C have a really nice color scheme and the label makes product attractive. Option B is ok, but the label design could use some work.
the label is appealing. everything in the label seems to be placed right. all the colors match along with font size. c was ranked second only because it's not the best but it is better than choice a. choice a was last because i don't like that whole color scheme on the label. that orange and black is too halloweeny in my opinion.
I don't like text in different directions - harder to read which is why I ranked C after A. B has no details on what it contains that is easy to find which drives me batty.
I like the black pepper design of the bottle of option A more than option C and then finally option B's bottle.
I like the label of option A the best. It’s easy to read I like the font the label lip placement looks good. Option C is also good as well
B would intrigue me but I wouldn't be sure what it is so I wouldn't buy it. A is just easier to read so I pick A over B
A and C are colored such that it is easy to read the text. They are informative, eye catching, and interesting. The color of B is an eye sore.
I like the label in A and how easy it is to read because of the way it's all horizontal text. I like the label design and colors a lot in C, I just don't like the text formatting. I think B is just a bit bland and boring.
I prefer the font of A, looks higher end and better
I love black pepper and love seeing a seasoning built around it, with it displayed prominently on front.
The sleek and bold label is attention-getting and loud plus clear. The product is my first click.
i prefer black pepper and garlic to sesame seasoning and this label looks the nicest of those 2 options
I like the black and white label design of A and C because they are closer to what I normally buy. I think they fit the product color wise. I like the A the best because it is easier to read than C because it is not vertical.
the Spice me logo is great and the label is very well done
I like the label better on Choice A. It is prettier, looks a bit more upscale.
B isn't related to A or C, so I selected it last. A is easier to read at a glance, so it would be my first choice. I like the black and orange on C. The colors help the label stand out, but the text is awkward to read.
I never ever used bagel seasoning so I chose that one last
I think that option A is the most visually appealing and has the easiest to read label.
I would buy option A because the label looks fun and shows that they put some thought and creativity into it. I like the design of it. The other options just looks generic.
Option A definitely looks the most appealing to me. The mismatched orientation of the wording in option C is very off putting. Option B looks a little too plain for my taste.
A is the easiest to read and see what it is so i prefer that. C is difficult to read at a quick glance so i would pass on it. B is a completely different product and it would not be as common to use as the other products, also the label is unremarkable it needs a better font.
I'd want a seasoning for more than bagels and I like the graphix in Option A, too!
B is something you would find at the dollar store - cheap and of low quality. A is the best because it is simple yet elegant and really engaging. I would but the product
I like to see what I am getting, pepper salt garlic etc, if I need to pick it up to see what is in the bagel seasoning I am less likely to buy it.
I like the labeling on option A best. I do NOT like option B because its going to shoe-horn this spice blend to be bagel only. leave it up to interpretation like in option a and B and i think people will be more likely to buy.
I chose option A. I like the packaging of the bottle (label). It is professional and stands out to me.
I ranked them based on how high quality the label looked. I feel like Option A looks like it would taste the best. Option B looks kind of generic to me.
The black pepper and himalayan salt and garlic logo with this easy to read text is appealing to me
23 Responses to Option B
Hopefully the first one doesn't have too much salt. However, I prefer the design of 2 over 3 also. I think I like it darker because I think more spice and less salt.
I chose by products that most get my attention.
I often use bagel seasoning personally all the time so I would definitely rank that one first. I find it nice to put on everything from meat to veggies to add a different flavor. In terms of the label, I like the more linear text as it appears more sleek and modern.
I like the bagel seasoning flavor profile the most in B, A has an easy to read label so it’s second, C is still not bad.
I liked B because the name bagel sesame is more descriptive and I understand what the taste is
B is very colorful. I prefer this one the best.
I think the label of B would draw my attention more and make me more likely to buy it. The labels on A and C blend in almost completely with the seasoning and make it difficult to see and read, while B is bold and stands out on the shelf.
Option B looks like it would come closest to my needs and I like the appearance of the label.
I like option B the best because I like bagel seasoning the most out of all of the options.
I like the Bagel Sesame. That sounds really good. Then I chose C because of its nice design.
I picked B as my first choice because I use "Everything but the bagel" Seasoning from TJ's alot, and this made me think of it, or that it would taste similar. I decided on A second because I like the label better than C.
Bagel appeals to me most. Everything besides black pepper appeals to me
Salt and pepper combo can be such an ordinary combo. I've never tried the everything one. Could be interesting
B - I prefer the pop of color on the label and that makes it very high-quality looking and I can easily read the font. I also like that it doesn’t focus on black pepper.
I like the look and blend in my first choice the best. It looks the most appealing to me.
Would use the first one for homemade bagels, others wouldn't use at all, but choose the one that had more monotone labeling higher because I liked the look better.
I would click B because I love sesame bagels and the seasoning on them. I think you could use it on everything like meat and other foods.
I like option B the best. I really like the everything bagel seasoning. It is very delicious.
The word bagel draws me to that option because everything bagel seasoning is my favorite. I don't like the emphasis on black pepper but I prefer the label of A to the label of C.
I think having that it is a bagel seasoning front and center (like with B) is the best choice. It makes it easy to see what the product is for, but still has info on what's inside it.
The name and design of bottle B is the best looking one of them all.
I prefer the bagel sesame seasoning blend the most as I feel it’s the most versatile.
My first choice I picked because it seemed the most tasty. Second and third options were good as well but not as appetizing.
26 Responses to Option C
i like the black pepper himalayan salt with garlic, i love both ingredients so this would be a sure bet for great tasting food
C looks the best to me. A has a nice and old time feel. B is just a little too bland for my tastes.
Provides more information on what is in the spice blend.
Coloring and styling of font makes it stand out most and appealing with clear showing of ingredients.
I prefer the silver look that both C and A have but why I picked C is because I do like the mix of the black in the name. I like that it separates everything and it makes it clear. B looks too generic to me.
Option C has the easiest-to-read label. The font is clear, as is the graphic design and layout. Product attributes and company name are white-on-black, making them clearer and easier to see. The logo is distinctive and is set off well from the other label text.
Choice C has a modern looking label with the black bar top and bottom design. The AND is underlined in red for Garlic which implies more garlic included than most. Choice A has an older theme label style with the scalloped border and darker background. The font used is more friendly. Choice B has too many seasonings included to make the statement of black pepper, Himalayan salt and garlic. The label seems to be yelling with its bright orange and dark blue border.
I like how C and A specifically mention Himalayan Salt, while B doesn't. C is ranked over A because the black borders makes it more eye catching.
Option C lists out all the ingredients on the front in big print, less need to read micro print on the back label.
Options C and A ranked first because of the mix. Option C ranked before A because of the label layout of ingredients and the nice touch of color. The label is a nice updated layout. Option B ranked last for me because of the mix. If I loved that mix it would be my first option.
Yum! I would go with C first because this brand is available to me.
I'd most likely give Option C a try over the other choices. Option C's label is very unique and stands out among the choices. I'd be most likely to grab that if I was looking for black pepper.
I like the bold contrast in the label in C the best. The red spice word is very catching. B last because bagel sesame seasoning seems like it would have limited use in what I eat.
I like choice C because the label makes it look exciting, and I would notice it in the store. Choice A is nice also, but not as eye catching as choice A. Choice B is for bagels, so it might be attractive to someone who eats bagels.
I like pepper and the labeling of C the best. Sounds delicious.
The black with a hint of red pop on the 1st option I selected, the 3rd option just look like a generic option on the shelf
the pepper and garlic would taste better and this label makes it look the most clear and readable
I would buy all three, though the first and second choice are more appealing as the label clearly indicates contents in large lettering at a quick glance. The colors are more subdued, but still distinctive enough to grab from the spice cabinet quickly.
I like the salt and pepper mix. Especially with the Hymalayian salt. I like the label on this bottle best.
Option C is the most visually appealing and grabs your attention more right off the bat. It has a more modern and exciting label which makes you form a higher first impression of what the product is and what it would be like. It also allows you to focus more on the wording, so you get a better understanding of what it is and what it has to offer. Option C would appeal to more people and would make them more likely to check deeper into what it has to offer.
I like the Black label with the sideways font. It garbs your attention.
I like the emphasis on the specific spices on the label. Also, this label really stood out more to me than the other two.
I like the label for C the best. For B, bagel seasoning is well known and that would get me to buy it. A is also ok but I prefer the other two over it.
The label with the BLACK PEPPER written sideways is cool, modern and will pop on the store shelves and not get so lost. A only came second because of the other label being better. Probably would buy all 3!
I like C because I like the label. It looks sleek and attractive. I like the black and white label. I think A and B are okay but A looks a bit old fashioned and the gray lid on B looks odd to me.
It should be black and white if it's black pepper. It fits the product better and it looks sharper than the color one at 3
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