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Based on the IMAGE, which product would you rather BUY?
Option C won this Ranked poll with a final tally of 58 votes after 2 rounds of votes counting.
In a Ranked poll, respondents rank every option in order of preference. For example, when you test 6 options, each respondent orders their choices from first to sixth place.
PickFu requires a majority to win a Ranked poll. A majority winner differs from a plurality winner. A majority winner earns over 50% of the votes, whereas a plurality winner earns the most votes, regardless of winning percentage.
If an option does not earn a majority of votes, PickFu eliminates the option with the lowest number of votes. The votes from the eliminated option are reassigned based on each respondent’s next choice. This process continues in rounds until a majority winner emerges.
Scores reflect the percentage of total votes an option receives during the vote counting and indicate the relative preference of the respondents. If there is no majority winner, look to the scores to see how the options fared relative to one another.
Option | Round 1 | Round 2 |
C | 46% 46 votes | 58% 58 votes +12 |
B | 35% 35 votes | 42% 42 votes +7 |
A | 19% 19 votes | Eliminated 19 votes reassigned |
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19 Responses to Option A
I would rather buy option A, it is the only image that I understood as soon as I saw it.
I would choose A because it clearly shows how the product works and isn't overcrowded. I also prefer the small pictures on the side in C rather than the entire hand in B.
The image in A shows the product itself and all the accessories the best, and it looks the most professional and trustworthy as well.
I like option A the most because it shows all facets of what the product is capable of. Option B is my least favorite because it just makes the product seem dirty.
I like the organization of the images in this one. I feel like it is clean and it is organized in a way where I can see the features.
Choices A and B are the top two for me because I like how both of them show all of the different plugs on the side like that. It looks nice and gives me a good look at them as well. Choice A was ahead because I liked how it showed one of the plugs going into the product so I can get an idea of how it works. With Choice B I did not like the hand blocking the product. Choice C is last because it did not show me shows of all of the plugs and the images in the little circles were too small for my taste.
I like A because of the tilt of the item it is a bit askew. C is good too as it shows item and small circular pictures of it. B I don't like you can't see much with the hand.
The callout bubbles on C felt dark and depressing. I liked that A featured a more sleek, bright and modern look.
I prefer seeing the product up close and a larger image will show the details to the consumer better so they know fully about what they are getting.
The package reinforces the fact that it is a cleaning tool. It is made more clear that way.
I feel C and B are too cluttered. A gives more of a straightforward viewpoint.
I think "A" is the best image because it clearly shows ports 4 and 5 accept various plugs. "C" is second best because the image shows the ports can be plugged into, though smaller than "A". "B" is last because there's no clear indication of the function of ports 4/5.
A is the most clear about protracted use of the product, C is clear too but this application makes the product appear fragile to me, and B is too small to immediately get what's going on.
A is the most appealing as it shows all the different cleaning tips well on the right and the cleaning cloth. B is similar to A but has some extra unneeded fluff in the form of the phone image. C shows some usage images but I find them hard to see and I think they cheapen the product.
I know exactly A by a quick glance of what it is. With B I could figure it out, but C at first i thought was a tool
I would buy A because I can see the whole product by itself
Based on the images, I like this product the best because it shows the cord going in, and displays the product the best in a way that I can see all its attributes.
I don't like how the hand holding it obscures the product itself in B. C is a bit too busy. A lets you see the product well; you already know how it is to be used if you're looking to buy one anyway.
35 Responses to Option B
This breakdown is better as it shows you exactly what the product is for.
Based upon the selection of the image, I'd be most likely to purchase option B. This option shows the product itself in use, showing how it would work on a phone to clean it. This is much more helpful and useful to me, as it makes it very clear how I would go about using it.
I prefer option B because the hand holding the product gives me a frame of reference to see the size of it.
I like option B image looks authentic. I find it stands out well.
I like the options B and C best because you can see the item in someone's hand. It makes it more life like.
I like how B shows you how to use it.
Based on the image, I would rather buy option B because I think that it is the most interesting, eye-catching, and visually appealing product image out of the three options.
I most prefer option B. The usable ports are fully displayed and with the hand, you can see the actual size of the adapter.
I like option B the best as the large picture shows exactly what I can expect to get out of my phone with this cleaning tool. I also like that there is a close up of the different tips all in the same photo.
I would choose choices B and A first because it has a nice design and the contents are well shown and how it is used as compared to choice C which is less attractive to me and it does not show the product is been shown.
Choice B has more clearness as to what it does in the image, with C following behind it. Usually, images should give an indication of purpose and intent of the item to sell better.
Option b was the easiest picture to understand. it showed what the tool is for and how it is used. option c does as well however i feel that it doesnt flow quite as well. option tells you what the tool is used for but doesnt show you in a picture, which makes it easier to see yourself using the tool
Each stand out as something that I would purchase for myself, and I think the exact order this pack comes in is how I would buy them. B,A,C! :)
Option B has the best product presentation because it shows a clear way to use it and makes me feel like I should buy this Multi Tool Iphone Cleaning Kit
B is the one that clearly shows a phone and a person holding the device, so you quickly can see sizing and ease of use. The picture itself is also well balanced. For C, I like that there are pictures to help clarify what the product does, but they do not do a good enough job of that to truly be useful. A just gives you repeat information about the tips.
I like having images of the tool in action as most people like me, have no idea what they are for.
B most clearly shows me what it plugs into. The circles on C are harder to read / understand than you might think.
I like how it shows what pieces fit together and how. Then I also like how it shows a close up of pieces.
I think showing the product next to the item it's cleaning is a powerful visual image and better to sell the cleaning multitool.
I prefer my first one because it shows the tool and how it might work with an iphone. The second choice is clear and shows the features. The third isn’t as clear to me.
B and C are best as they show how the product is used.
This one gives me the best idea of how big it is in the human hands. It also shows me everything else I need to know in one picture
I understand the relative size better with the hand.
I wouldn't know what it is really for so having the iphone there is really beneficial. C is next because it is a close up of the tool and has three different images to help show what you can use it for. A ia a great image of all the stuff it includes and looks great but not very efficient.
I chose B because the image shows a person holding the product near a phone, which communicates to me what the product is intended to do.
The pictures that show how the product is used are the most helpful as the product itself looks confusing.
B is the image I would buy because it shows in the most detail how the product is used. I also like choice A because it has the name of the tool in the image. Option C is okay but is too busy with all the images.
B does the best job of showing me how to use it. A is just a picture of the product, which is about as unexciting as you get.
i like choice b the best. it is showing how the product is used, the size as compared to a hand and the phone
i like that option A and B show examples of how it could be used
B's hand holding it gives it an immediate sense of scale. The phone charging port pictured also shows what it's for, so I immediately understand the product. The rest of the details further inform. A doesn't give as much of a sense of scale, but I get a rough idea from the charging cord. C feels cluttered, and the inset images are dark and inconsistently lit, so it makes the whole thing seem lower quality.
I like the clear example of what this product can be useful for in B and C. I think the image looks best in B and shows the product up and close. I like the hand in B to better judge the size.
I voted B first because I had no idea what the thing was without the picture of it cleaning out the phone.
My first option gives a better visual of what this product is for. It is a cleaner crisper layput
46 Responses to Option C
Photos showing it in use are always better
I feel that choice C gives the best indication of what the product does.
I like this one the best because I think the images on the right look the best and are the most informative. I like the item I the hands and ready to use
C is by far the best, ,because it shows the multiple uses. I would definitely click on that.
C seems to the best, because it has small graphics on how this product can be used, and what each side does.
I like the product image in option C the best. The pictures displayed on the right style are useful. The product looks useful and compact.
I like option C the best because the picture of the splitter is the best in this image.
I really appreciate the photos in Option C that show how the tool works!
My top pick is C. It shows several usage scenarios which are very helpful to customers. The options in A and B are similar. However, the image in A showcases all of the accessories including the cloth. I think it is important to show all of those accessories so that customers can understand what to expect in the package.
It’s good to have a picture of a hand for scale and to see it actually in use
I voted C first because it shows me different uses of the tool while B and A are similar.
I prefer option C because in this image product is easier to understand how to use, looks relatable and more explanatory.
The more step by step pictures the better
I very much like being able to see how a person can hold/use the product. This not only allows you to gauge the approximate size of the item, but also see how it would work on a day to day basis.
This image is more descriptive, it shows the product being used and all the components of the kit, just by seeing the images you are able to get a good idea about what the product is for. Option B looks great, the image of the cellphone gives a lot of information but, not all the components of the kit are shown. Option A shows all the components but doesn't have any images of the product being used and that make it harder to understand.
i believe this image gives the most varied amount of imagery info for me.
I really like C because I can see the different angles of this product and how it is used which I find to be very useful for me. From there, I like B over A as I like seeing how B could be used as that is helpful for me as a buyer.
This shows the many use of the product the best.
I chose option B because I can see how the product is used by the images that are used.
I like c best with showing it in use to give you an idea of size and fit.
I think option C is the most informative, easiest to understand, and most trustworthy. I love all of the images in the big image
C is a better focus on the item, while B and A have unnecessary redundancies. I would understand if the tips were larger in the second depiction of A, but they're the same size and just taking up space.
C show how the product looks the best and I like the image. B and A doesn't really appeal to me very much.
I like the format of the layout of this option
I think that C gives me the best idea of the different ways in which the multitool can be used, since it shows it being used both to blow dust out of the phone's port and clean a cord.
I picked option C first because it includes more descriptive pictures than the other 2 options to show you how to use it. I need this because I have never heard of this product before.
I like option C because it shows you how the product is used. I like how it provides small photos of its usage.
C is the best option, in my opinion, because it shows all of the features of the product. The other two images don't do that as well.
i like c the best because it showed the most possibilities it could be used for and i chose B second because it still showed a possibility and i chose A last because it seemed very basic and leaves me wondering what i could use it for
I like seeing it in use in multiple was as is seen in option C. The same kind of applies to option B; seeing in action. Option C just feels like a floating doo-dad. I'd really have to read the title to know what I'm looking at.
I would rather buy option C because I like how descriptive the pictures are. It makes me feel comfortable using the product
The options have been ranked according to the level of detail and instruction of each product image. (more to less)
I like the idea that the advertising shows how to use the product.
C helps me to better understand the purpose of the product's different tools. It makes it easier to see with the photos provided. B gives a little bit of that information with one photo provided. A is the least image that provides more information to me.
I liked B the least because I found the hand in the photo sort of off-putting for some reason. I liked both C and A because they looked really useful
My favorite option is C because I like the to see the product being held.
I felt like C showed how to really use the product whereas A leaves a lot to the imagination about what this is product for.
Love the descriptive images on the side.
C would be my first choice because it shows all the possible ways it can be used. B would be my second choice as it shows the phone and how to use the product. A would be my last choice because there is not quite enough information to see how the product should be used.
Option C is my first pick because the image shows the practical usage of the product, followed by option B
I prefer C because it shows pictures of the tool in use in different ways. I like that B shows a smart phone. That provides a lot of information about how to use this.
My first two choices show the product best, it's easiest to see what the product is and how it is used in these two options.
I like option C because of the hands on approach that it shows in the circle image. It gives me a better idea of the product and makes me want to investigate into it further.
C provides more useful pictures and looks good.Very informative
C shows not only the product but how you attach the different ends the others do not show that level of detail
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