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Does your spouse mind your smoking?
17 Responses to Option A
He smokes too, but I am the one who buys them. It irritates him, a lot!
She doesn't like the smell or the potential impact on my health.
I've cut way down and have almost quit. My wife lost her grandfather due to smoking so she always hated it.
My husband thinks it's unhealthy and that I would benefit from quitting.
You mean my ex... when we were first married I was smoking outside one day and she stopped by with a lady from the condo association who was upset over the coffee can I had outside to put my butts in. I looked at both of them and told them they had four choices. 1) Leave me alone 2) I would get a a truck to drop off a fifty gallon drum of sand 3) I would start throwing them on my ground 4) I would start smoking inside my condo. Did I mention to you she is my ex?
My spouse is a non smoker, so I have to keep it in the closet. He hates smoking.
She doesn't smoke and hates that I do. She always complains about the smoke and tells me how bad it is for me.
She hates the smell of it and she hates the money I waste on cigarettes. She complains about my smoking all the time.
Health reasons.
My wife hates the smell of smoke. She says it makes her sick when I smoke around her.
He is a non-smoker and worries about me not being around.
Yes, she does mind and frequently (almost daily) mentions why I should quit (the cost, children, etc...)
She thinks it's disgusting.
Yes, he wants me to quit
He gets mad about how much I spend on cigarettes and he doesn't like the smell.
She really, really hates it, actually.
My wife's mother passed away from cancer many years ago. It has never been a point of discussion, but she doesn't want me smoking around her, and I don't.
33 Responses to Option B
No, he is also a smoker.
He smokes too
My husband also smokes. We do plan to quit in the, hopefully, near future. But smoking doesn't bother either of us. We want to quit for health reasons.
No she smokes with me
We both smoke although we are planning on quitting soon
He smokes as well so he doesn't mind at all.
he smokes too
She also smokes.
He has never minded my smoking, he has other family members that smoke, so he's used to it.
She used to smoke herself, but she quit a couple years ago. While she wants me to quit as well, she doesn't mind that I smoke because she understands the addiction.
He is a smoker also
She is a smoker too
She smokes as well.
He also smokes
I don't have one anymore...
He also smokes, but is trying to quit.
He doesn't like how I smell.
He might care if he were an adamant non-smoker, himself, but he's a smoker, as well. I don't know that he'd care if I was a smoker if he wasn't or not, as he doesn't tend towards telling me what I can or cannot do with my own body, but I'm sure it's not pleasant to be a non-smoker with a smoker for a partner. As I do smoke outside, anyway, and do my best to keep the smell off of me regardless, though, it might not be a big deal if he weren't a smoker also.
My spouse does not mind me smoking because he is a smoker as well. Although both of us would like to quit, we realize it is something we need to do together in order to be successful.
She smokes also!
My spouse does not mind me smoking because I smoke outside (yes, even in the dead of winter) and then I spritz myself with cologne before I even re-enter the house.
He smokes too
No she hates it and gives me the business about it all the time.
No when we got together he knew i smoked and he didnt but his dad smoked so he doesnt mind it at all
She smokes too
she is a smokers as well..we just dont smoke in the houe
She smokes as well, granted not nearly as much. So there is no issue.
my husband smokes also
unfortunately she smokes too
I have not smoked for a year now, but when I did smoke my partner did not mind because he smokes too.
No because he smokes too.
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