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When you’re shopping online, what do you look at first in a product listing?
Option D won this Ranked poll with a final tally of 53 votes after 3 rounds of votes counting.
In a Ranked poll, respondents rank every option in order of preference. For example, when you test 6 options, each respondent orders their choices from first to sixth place.
PickFu requires a majority to win a Ranked poll. A majority winner differs from a plurality winner. A majority winner earns over 50% of the votes, whereas a plurality winner earns the most votes, regardless of winning percentage.
If an option does not earn a majority of votes, PickFu eliminates the option with the lowest number of votes. The votes from the eliminated option are reassigned based on each respondent’s next choice. This process continues in rounds until a majority winner emerges.
Scores reflect the percentage of total votes an option receives during the vote counting and indicate the relative preference of the respondents. If there is no majority winner, look to the scores to see how the options fared relative to one another.
Option | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 |
D | 41% 41 votes | 45% 45 votes +4 | 53% 53 votes +8 |
B | 44% 44 votes | 44% 44 votes | 47% 47 votes +3 |
A | 10% 10 votes | 11% 11 votes +1 | Eliminated 11 votes reassigned |
C | 5% 5 votes | Eliminated 5 votes reassigned |
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10 Responses to Option A
First need to look at the name of product to determine if it is a correct item. Price is the next priority.
i put down the order I look at them
Always look at title first then pictures last I read description
If the product is decorative in nature then of course the photo becomes more important, but generally I am more interested in function and efficiency than looks.
I need to check multiple choices quickly, looking at title first.
I read the title first to make sure that the offering matches what I actually want. I also consider the price and quality next. I only read the description if the rest seems good.
The title has to come first so I know I’m looking at the correct item. Then price has to be within my range or there is no point moving forward. Then the other two are interchangeable.
The title usually contains specific information that I'm looking for (dimensions, size, socket type, etc), so I want to make sure that's a match before going on. B's photo can sometimes provide that information, especially if there isn't a specific name or if the title is lacking it. D lets me know if it's out of my budget before going further. Finally, C if I'm left unsure, or want to learn more about the various options of the product.
100% in that order. but also very quick as well so not sure it is a make or break thing,
IT sometimes depends on the layout of the website and how easy the information is to find, but generally I review listings in this order.
44 Responses to Option B
I definitely look at pictures and then price
The first thing I look at for anything, but including online shopping, would be images. As the largest and oftentimes most color parts of the page, it's natural that those are what I consistently lay eyes upon first, and go from there. Titles usually comes second and for the obvious reason of being the second largest and usually right below the product image.
The picture is the most important information -- if the picture is unappealing or doesn't contain what I'm expecting it to contain, I never make it to looking at the price, description, or title. The price is the second most important to me -- I need the picture to contain what I want/am looking for and the price to be right.
Photo is easy way to see what you're looking for. Then I look for price to see if it's in the price range I'm willing to spend. Then I read the description. The title isn't too important as long as my search results are accurate.
I always look at the photo first and and enlarge it , plus I look at the description next to find out more about it.
The product photo is the most eye catching so I generally will look for that first. Let's me know that I am looking at the exact product I want to buy.
The first thing I check is the photo to see if it is even something I would be interested in. Next is the price to see if I can afford it. I would not check the others if the first two were not to my liking
The product photo is something I look at first. That is the one thing I look at naturally first. This is a good start. Then title gets your next look. The description is a good read next and then, secondary icons come after that.
The photo is definitely the first thing that catches your attention. It can make you want to buy something or pass. I would say the price is second because I am always looking out for the best deal
I Chose Option B first because the photo is always immediately what catches your attention, and it often gives you more information than any text does. I chose Option C last because I often don't even end up reading the description for items
Product photo is usually what I look at first because it's the more eye catching and helps me get an idea of the product pretty quickly.
I'm highly visual so it's the image that grabs my attention initially. It nearly always is the image for me.
I look at the product photo first because it attracts my attention the most and gives me a good visualization of what I am buying.
I look first at the product photo. I like to look at it closely to see if it really what I expected and made out of the kind of materials that I want.
with photo I ever verify the product which I search / product title also focused and help to make the decision / price is also a big factor to confirm a sale / description just explain the measurements, dimensions, and quality of the product
I look at the photo first to make sure the item I'm looking at is what I expected. Sometimes the names of an item aren't 100% clear. Second choice is the title. It isn't always clear but it often is. Third is the description, hoping for any questions I have to be answered in this area. Finally, price. Once I've narrowed down my choices to a selection that would work well, decide what price is the best I can find.
picture and them item
The first thing i focus on when im looking at products online is the photo of the product (option B) because it is the most direct source of information about the product, then i look at the name of the title to be secured if it is the product that im looking for (option A), then i look at its price (option D) and last i click on it to look at its description to see if the product is what i want (option C)
B if the product photo is not good enough to create any interest or does not look good then why would it make me want to know more about it?
in this order
A photo is the easiest way to see what it is and if it is what you are looking for
The picture of the product followed by how much it costs. Those are the two most important and then right after that the description
I chose B first because the photo is all the buyer has when shopping online. I chose A next because the title leads into option C, description, which lets the buyer know if the product can do what we intend it to do. D was chosen last because if I want the item, cost wont matter
I usually look at product photo so I can see what an item looks at.
I think that the product photo is usually the first thing that catches my eye. If I like what I see, then I will usually look at the price before continuing on to the product title and ultimately the description.
The product photo is the first thing that I look at. The best way to find something out is to look at the picture first and see things for yourself
Most titles are so long I ignore them now. What grabs my attention is the product photo, and if it does a good job telling me what the product is and what its purpose is.
I would say I look at the photos first because they help me visualize what I intend to buy. Option D and C are also very useful too. Option A is the least important to me.
I would be mostly looking at the photos and the price to compare whether the product was worth the purchase price and how much use I would get out of it overall.
I chose panel B. I look at the photo and decide if I need this product and sometimes I will compare the price with other sites.
I usually see the photo scrolling through and then want to know what it is. From there I check the price to see if I want to buy it/can afford it, and then read more if it is up for debate.
Photo answers basic question of ID similarity in search, example "countertop oven" picture shows a tiny toaster oven. Wrong product D shows match to my price range. the other two are details.
The picture draws me to the listing.
The order may vary, but the first thing to do is to look at the photo of the product, if you are not interested in what you see, do not continue.
I generally scroll through product photos until I find something I like
Ok, so these aren't in level of importance, but rather what I naturally look at when shopping. If you were to ask me what's important to me in a product I'm shopping for I'd say quality, price, and general design appeal. But as far as the rankings here, a photo draws my eye first, so that's why I picked option B first. After that, I'm always budget conscious so option D comes next with price. Then option A comes next with the title. If those three draw me in so far I'll give the description (or most likely reviews) a look next, with option C.
Price does matter, for sure. After that, I want to see what the product looks like.
I usually look at the photo first, as that gives me a good idea of how high quality the product seems to be and if it's attractive or not. The price is the second thing I look at, and I'll rule out products that either seem too cheap to be trustworthy or don't feel like a good value. Then I'll look at the title to get a better feel for the product, and only take the time to read the description if the product seems particularly interesting.
since i can't see or touch it in person i need to see it in a photo to get an idea of how it works and looks
When every one see the product is the first thing so I choose the option B . Then I choose the option D in the second position because next all of them must want to see the price so I choose this option. Then at the next position is I choose the option C because finally we look the description and the content of the product so I choose this option.
Looking at the photo gives me an idea of what the item is and if it looks like one I want. First impression, so the photo (Choice B) is the most important I'm assuming I'm already using search terms to get the items I want so title (Choice A) matters the least. Price (Choice D) would be the next thing I'd look at because if its too high there's no point in looking into it more and if its too low it's likely a knock off. Choice c, description, is step three. If I like the photo and the price seems right, I'd look into the details to see if it has the things I'm looking for fully.
The photo sells the product. A bad photo will not get a click. If multiple products look the same, I will look at the price, quickly glance at the "stars" and then keep going. Generally when searching, I know the name and description
For most things seeing a really good photo is the most important first step. And then obviously I need to know what it’s called and the description of whether or not it will do when I needed to. Price is probably ultimately why I will buy a product but all of the other things are what I would look at first.
I can't help but look at a photo first to see what it looks like. Plus it draws the eyes immediately. Then I usually look at the price to compare and gauge. Then I verify the title and image are what I really want and matching. I don't even always read the description until much later on.
5 Responses to Option C
These are my choices.
I'm usually looking for something specific, so I always read the description first to see it it matches with what I want.
I'm looking for something in particular - and the description is what's most important. Price also is important, I often sort things in this manner. The title doesn't mean a lot to me to be honest though.
The description often dictates the value of the product besides the price. Which is why I look at it first.
I like to read the description first so I can be sure that I have found the right product, and that it has all the specifications that I am looking for.
41 Responses to Option D
I'm always looking at the price. It gives me a good idea with how much money I have to spend
These are the items I look for in the product listing
D is the most important thing. Then I see how it looks. A and C I only really look at unless I am sort of interested.
Price is most important, then I look at everything to make sure it matches what I'm looking for. If the price is too high or too low I move on.
I would say choice D and B would be side by side as I would look at both at the same time.
I see if they're trying to screw me on the price first, then I go to the description, then the photo and title. I feel like businesses are out to make a profit, so they're to trying to screw you out of every dollar they can.
The price is the most important part. If that is to high, I don't look at anything else.
If the price is high, I want no other information. A photo shows me info at a glance. A title will give me a quick idea. A description is nice, but usually not accurate.
I always naturally look at the price first, I'm always on a bargain hunt!
Price is always going to be first and foremost. Money is king.
Price is the most important thing to me, after that, I focus on finding and understanding the quality of the product.
I always start with the price because I want to know how much it will cost. I suppose the image is next in line.
I first look at the price then the product title. Followed by the photo and then finally the description.
The price is most important to me along with the appearance of the item, particularly what it is made from and how sturdy and durable the product looks. The description matters some and the name does not matter at all
The price dictates everything else because I do not contemplate anything that is out of my price range; it's not everything, but it is the most important thing. Next is the product image because it can convey visual information that a simple product description might not capture, plus it can give me a sense of size and scale. The product title is fairly meaningless to me unless it mentions a specific brand.
A doesn't tend to be really informative to me. Price is a big factor in all of my purchasing decisions and product photos usually catch my eye.
D because I like to be economical and try to save in any way I can.
I think price is overall the most important and it will boil down to the price for me to consider buying or not.
Price is important to finding a good quality product for a good value then seeing the title and description of each item to compare
I almost always look at price then historical price info as well followed by the decription
D and B, price and photo help me determine if the product is worthwhile or trash.
I also look at the price and photo first, then the name and description last. I don't care much about the title, however.
Price is always going to be the most important thing for me. If the price is too high, I will simply ignore it. Next would be the title to make sure it is the item I want and then the description to know more details about the item. As a result, the image comes last for me.
When buying a product online, I first consider price before anything else and then the product photo.
The price matters more than anything else to me
Always the second most feature doesthe product match there exact technical description.
The price is usually the first thing I look at when buying a product.
I want something I can afford. I want to be able to be able to spend money more wisely while still getting a quality item.
i care more about how much ill be spending more than anything
Obviously price is going to be tops for most people as you have something in mind that you want spend on whatever the item is. So it is going to be what you look at first.
Price is the most important factor in making purchases for me.
When I am shopping online the first thing I look at is the price for the product. Then I usually check the product photo, then the product title and at last the description.
Usually the price, because I tend to have a good idea of what product I want to buy and what search terms to use to see that exact product..from there, just browse till you see the best price.
Price is the most important factor for me above the others
I am a price based shopper as I always look for a good deal so D is the first thing.
The price is most important factor when looking to buy a product.
Before any of these, I look at customer reviews first. I won't even consider an option that has bad reviews. Price and title come next
Price is my primary driving force on all decisions.
Price is the most important because there is no need looking at something I cannot afford. The description is necessary to be sure I choose the right thing and do not have to make a return. The title is important for the same reason as the description to me.
I want to be sure that I can actually afford the product and then I look at what the product can do. I later look at A and B, they aren't my top choices.
Price is everything, but of course visuals matter too!
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