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Which store do you like better and why?

38 Responses to Option A
I just like the blue color better I feel like it just looks good.
The beach and tropical background makes me feel that I am going to have fun.
I love the background for it, it makes it way more interesting to look at
I love that the background shows a design on it. They both look great though.
I like a because I think the blues look good
Feels like choice A is more colorful and more eye-catching and vibrant. I like the tropical background more overall. I'd go with that choice.
Much more visually appeaking and intriguing.
B is more inviting and relaxing with the palm tree. It gets my attention more.
Option A is most attractive than option B
The background make this one more appealing.
You have a background of the beach, which fits the theme of the app perfectly.
I like the color of the background more. It makes the options more distinct from one another.
this option shows more catchy colors
I like the beach atmosphere and the coloring better. The other one is too plain.
The background is a lot more interesting and pleasant looking in Option A.
pink is too girly
these colors look great and are more fitting
Colors look more professional
I like the background. Is adds warmth to the screen and takes away the blandness.
I chose A, because the background image is relaxing, which makes the rest of the layout feel somehow less chaotic, and it is pretty.
A has a tropical background picture that makes me think more about the fantasy of living well and winning big.
I prefer the color scheme and tropical background of this option for aesthetic reasons.
the coloring is nicer
The background is more appealing in choice A. The color scheme makes seem more professional and not as cheaply done. Under the Coins header I would rather pay the regular price and get 20% more than pay 40% less as in choice B but feel like I am paying the regular price anyway.
the colors look better, i'm not a fan of pink
I noticed that all the information is the same on both sides with the difference being the background graphic. I wen with option A because the background stands out a lot more.
I like option A because of the tropical background. At first I thought oh that may be too much but as I compared the two options I decided that B was just a little too boring
I like the look of this one better. The colors have a better contrast.
I like A best. The beach background is very pretty compared to the plain white.
The color scheme is nicer
The background with color makes it easier to see and read.
Like the darker colors and more interesting background on this on better.
I chose 'A' because the colorful background made the deals stand out more. The colors also make the store seem more fun and playful.
i like the tropical background
I like Choice A better as the colors and background are very vibrant. The bright blue sky and golden sand remind me of the beach. It makes me feel like I am on vacation, and that would encourage me to keep playing.
blue sticks out more than the other color.
The bright blue color in the background makes it look more exciting.
It's very tropical! It is relaxing to me.
12 Responses to Option B
I like this because it is bright and joyful.
B seems better unless the beach motif in A ties into the larger overall theme of the app.
I think that Option B looks more fun, and the little sparkle designs around the treasures show up better against the pink background.
I like B because it has a cleaner and sleeker looking background.
Choice B is more "down to business." There is no distraction of a beautiful background. This makes my eye go straight to the numbers. I like it.
I think not having a background makes it look cleaner and nicer
I am more a fan of the pretty pink graphic at the top of the first design.
Seems more straightforward
I feel that having a plain background in the store makes it less distracting than the one with the image of a beach in the background. (which makes it harder to focus)
I like the pink better with the crown It makes the image of the crown and coins pop more. I do think though that the background should be that color but a little darker just so it doesn't seem to blend in so much for the boxes of the categories
I chose Option B mainly for the reason that banner for any purchase removes ads forever stands out a lot better than the other. So it is easier to let you know.
Choice a looks generic with the beach background and seems unappealing to me.
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