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Do you associate this logo as a high end pet brand ?
50 Responses
It doesn't remind me of pets whatsoever outside of explicitly saying dog. It reminds me more or Rolex for some reason
I associate this with a Van Halen album and that's about it. You should check google images and you'll see exactly what I mean.
I think its appealing and cool looking
It seems to be more of a mid range or average quality brand.
No, the neon orange color is tacky.
Not really. Almost looks like a fishing logo.
No not really, seems like something that would be fairly middle class looking.
i do like the logo and feel like it is more higher class type brand. i like the design but i am not a huge fan of the colors that are in the entire thing.
I do not like the name or the mix of uppercase and lower case letters, I think that it just looks like a generic brand logo.
The name not so much as it sounds very cheesy.
I could imagine this being a dog brand, but it feels more like a motorcycle brand, or both (biker dogs).
No I don't. It seems too casual of a name. It seems like it is geared or tailored for motorcyclists like Harley Davidson riders. It does not seem to be tailored to the Tiffany's crowd or country club population.
Not necessarily, it's hard for me to really establish a logo as being high end, there's usually more variables that go into me considering something as being high end.
I think it lacks a something. It might be the font choice but it seems a bit plain. I don't give me that regal feeling. I think you should capitalize the dog as well as it seems a bit off. Perhaps that is the issue.
It seems more like a motorcycle brand than a pet based brand.
Gut instinct, I think it looks like a low end store brand that is trying too hard. That's not to say I wouldn't buy it, but the logo looks cheap so I would not expect quality and would not pay a premium for it.
No, I don't. It seems to be trying way to hard to seem high end in the design, while the name of the company doesn't seem prestigious at all.
I have never heard of this brand. That makes it a hard no for me.
Yes this to me looks like a logo that would come from a high end pet company but by the way it is designed in my opinion
The logo can use a lot of work, the logo does not look visually appealing nor have any eye popping features. I think to be a high end brand they have to have an attractive and themeatic logo.
No, the logo relates to reasonably priced dog food because of the plain look
No, this logo to me does not suggest a high-end brand. I think if it was just the "R" with wings logo then maybe. But the "ride or die dog" tagline is not high-end.
I would not think it is high end, no. I think that the bright orange and green don't give off that vibe. It feels too seventies or retro. I think a more minimal icon would be better.
Not really, it seems like a cheaper brand that i would find at Target or Walmart. It doesn't scream "premium"
I don't know the logo, but once I see it around I think it could fit.
I have never heard of this brand. It’s kind of a ridiculous name.
I would actually see this as rather low end due to the name.
For a high-end pet brand, I think the name of the brand should be popular and meaningful. The name "ride or die dog" does not sound to be appropriate, especially for those pet lovers. They would definitely not interested in anything related to ridding or even seeing the pet dying. Using those words in the name of a pet brand does not sound wisely in my opinion.
its a little on the nose and sounds odd really
This logo feels pretty standard to me and does not stand out as high end or luxurious.
I see this logo as being from a cheap company trying to pass off as a high-end pet brand.
no, it looks horrible as this color and the logo and name sound horrible
It looks pretty good. I like the colors.
I haven't seen it very much but I do like high end pet products. I think that I would gladly give them a try.
No I just feel like it sounds and looks a little too corny.
I like the logo. i think it could be associated with high end pet supplies
Yes this feel like a high end brand for pets. I actually feel the logo is better than a brand like Science Diet. It almost feels like a high end dog clothing brand.
The color choices and name don't inspire high quality to me. It seems more like a first test of a design than an actual full creation.
I do not recognize this brand, but I also don't like the tag line. It makes me think this product involves risk, and I do not want to expose my dog to anything that would make him die. I'm sorry, I just don't understand the intent.
I think it is the winged R that makes me think it looks upscale. Nice logo!
The logo looks cheesy. If I saw it, it wouldn’t catch my eye. As someone who does specifically buy luxury things for my pet I can’t say this would stand out to me. To be quite frank it just looks cheap
it doesnt feel like it fits the brand
I like the emblem, but the color scheme is awful and hurts my eyes.
The font and the wings behind the R make the brand seem very high end in my opinion.
I think this is a cool logo. I do not have any reason to equate it with anything yet. If it was on a cute package of dog food I would take notice of it.
I feel this logo looks too much like a cheap tattoo or something trying to imitate a motorcycle gang. It does not come off as high end or associated with pets. The font choice of all caps followed by regular casing is odd as well.
The colors are distracting, the slogan is good. Perhaps if were just a logo and something more refined, I would consider it premium
No. The name is corny and not high-end (because of the word "die." The logo itself is too try-hard as well
It's not a bad logo design. I'm not sure that I'd associate it with a high end brand. It's the kind of logo that I'd associate with a 90's store jeans brand.
no, orange doesn;t feel high end at all
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