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Which logo do you like more for a residential and commercial fencing company?

11 Responses to Option A
It looks more business like
Looks more professional
I don't like how B looks like barbed wire
I chose A because it seemed more professional and approachable than option B.
logo represents fencing better
Choice B reminds me of a swastika.
looks professional
The other image the beginning might be misintepreted as a letter.
I feel like the logo on the left more represents fencing stuff in - as in separating out areas. the logo on the right could be anything and it seems more like a support group.
It is more eye catching.
39 Responses to Option B
I don't much care for the circle on the second logo.
I like option B, because it kind of looks like a fence which fits what is being sold.
Looks more modern.
B, looks more simple and more professional. Looks like I could display it anywhere
The logo look more like a fence. Which is what the company offer.
it looks like chain link fence
more memorable. the font could be better
The logo showing part of the fence really shows what type of company it is. I like it.
I liked Option B for the commercial and residential fencing company because the logo symbolizes a link to a chain link fence and Option A does not have relevance to the infrastructure of the company.
b looks better
It's a lot more clear that they deal with fencing.
The logo reminds me of fences more in B than A
Shows the links of a fence in the graphic. Makes more sense in the design than the other option.
it looks more like a fence link
resembles more of a chainlink fence
It fits the description of the company better.
Looks more like a fence.
Looks professional
I think B looks less bulky and more concise.
it looks cleaner
It makes more sense and is more inviting. Looks like fence chain-link.
It looks like chain link and slightly abstract at the same time. It just makes sense and is an easier connection to the company.
This logo immediately make me think about fences.
A looks too 1990s.
The design for B is more unique
B's logo looks more sleek.
The logo is more related to fencing for choice B.
I like B because the interlocking symbol almost looks like a fence.
The circle design looks kind of blah even with the line breaks in it. The other at least looks more interesting.
I find the straight lines interlinking more like a fence, which would help me remember it's a fencing company.
looks more like a fence
I chose B because the icon gets my attention better. The design grabs your attention more than just a colored in circle.
The logo looks cleaner, though I would change the font up a little, it still just looks better
I liked that the logo on the Left looked more like a piece of fence than the one in A did.
The logo on the left (B) has a cross link, which looks more like a fence which is what the company is about
This image seems to portray the idea of fencing more. It looks like links and what one would imagine a fence to look like.
The logo contains some fence-like objects in it. I can tell what the company does when I see that logo.
The graphic looks like it actually has to do with a fence, like a small bit of chain link, or maybe a barb from barb wire.
catches the eye more
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