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Which book (a memoir) would you be more likely to click on or buy?
32 Responses to Option A
I like the title here for the most part
I like the idea of a homebuilt airplane and this story
I like DIY stuff, so the homebuilt airplane is very intriguing to me, which is why I made the choice that I did.
A homebuilt airplane, that sounds amazing and very interesting. B sounds like any self help type book.
Option A sounds more graceful and impactful. B sounds like a feminist meme and would not sit well with certain individuals. Option A sounds empowering already.
The other title sounds too much like a feminist nightmare.
This one attracts my attention and I'd be curious to found out more information about this title.
I really like A. The word odyssey makes a difference.
The title grabs me more than the other - a homebuilt airplane sounds really interesting!
This one tells you more about the memoir and what it is about.
I think choice A is better. "One Woman's Odyssey in a Homebuilt Airplane" sounds very intriguing and would draw me in more. Choice B is a bit wordy. I would go with that selection.
A is shorter and easier to process and has more mystery, which draws me in more
Sounds interesting to know what happened specifically.
Sounds much more interesting due to the airplane.
I chose A because its short and to the point.
It's unique, different, and sounds inspirational. Option B also sounds interesting, but not as unique as "Homebuilt Airplane". Actually, I think a combo of both would be even more attention grabbing, "One Woman's Unconventional Journey to Self-Empowerment in a Homebuild Airplane".
The title reads more naturally
Seems like it would be more unique than the other one.
Odyssey implies a certain level of excitement and danger. It is unlike other titles I have seen and the idea of a homebuilt plane is too exciting not to lead with. Option B is too vague for my tastes. it could be about almost anything. Option A is action oriented and eye-catching.
I'm very interested in the Housebuilt plane part so I would choose A.
It is shorter and more concise
The homebuilt airplane drew me in
This title is more specific and more exciting.
Sounds way more interesting and the title is significantly less generic
I chose A, because I think the idea of a homebuilt airplane would draw me in.
Seems way more interesting. Like she accomplished something great
Option B sounds like any other "self-empowement" book. Option A sounds novel. I am intrigued by the "homebuilt airplane." I wonder how she found the time/energy/space to build it!
The second option sounds like abillion other self help books for white women with too much money on their hands. The first actaully tells me what the book is about: a woman's homemade airplane and how it affected her life.
Copy is much simpler
A is way more interesting and descriptive, B is very generic
Love the word Odyssey here
Explains what it's about better
18 Responses to Option B
The title seems more uplifting and empowering.
I think this one is much better
They both sound really good and would be something I would look into
I like B because it sounds interesting and I like how it says journey to self empowerment. That gets my attention first.
I think it is less confusing.
Definitely option B because idk any women who want to read about building an airplane. Instead to see option B's title tells me I'm about to head on a journey and fly (in my mind) to a new destination of self empowerment and development.
The use of the words self-empowerment and unconventional are more catchy/apt to receive impressions.
The message sounds a lot more positive
B sounds more up my alley i like self empowerment and confidence building guides
I don't relate to the word Odyssey.
This is the one I would likely click and buy. The text makes me interested in learning more about the story
I like empowerment in this one
this one sounds more of the trend for women taking control over their lives and I would click on this one and possibly buy.
The symbolism in Option B is lost on me. I like the straight forward information.
Option B is more intriguing and makes more sense when you see it. I also think it makes you wonder more about what the book would entail and makes it more interesting overall. Option B would attract a wider audience of people to actually pick the book up off the shelf and see what it has to offer.
this title is more intriguing to me.
The other one sounds kind of weird. But honestly, I doubt I would be interested in reading either one of them very much. Sorry!
I love hearing about empowerment. It really motivates me.
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