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Electric Breast Pumps.Based on the image, which product would you rather buy?
Option E won this Ranked poll with a final tally of 32 votes after 6 rounds of votes counting.
In a Ranked poll, respondents rank every option in order of preference. For example, when you test 6 options, each respondent orders their choices from first to sixth place.
PickFu requires a majority to win a Ranked poll. A majority winner differs from a plurality winner. A majority winner earns over 50% of the votes, whereas a plurality winner earns the most votes, regardless of winning percentage.
If an option does not earn a majority of votes, PickFu eliminates the option with the lowest number of votes. The votes from the eliminated option are reassigned based on each respondent’s next choice. This process continues in rounds until a majority winner emerges.
Scores reflect the percentage of total votes an option receives during the vote counting and indicate the relative preference of the respondents. If there is no majority winner, look to the scores to see how the options fared relative to one another.
Option | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 5 | Round 6 |
E | 28% 14 votes | 28% 14 votes | 28% 14 votes | 30% 15 votes +1 | 44% 22 votes +7 | 64% 32 votes +10 |
G | 14% 7 votes | 18% 9 votes +2 | 18% 9 votes | 28% 14 votes +5 | 28% 14 votes | 36% 18 votes +4 |
B | 16% 8 votes | 16% 8 votes | 22% 11 votes +3 | 24% 12 votes +1 | 28% 14 votes +2 | Eliminated 14 votes reassigned |
D | 14% 7 votes | 14% 7 votes | 18% 9 votes +2 | 18% 9 votes | Eliminated 9 votes reassigned | |
F | 10% 5 votes | 14% 7 votes +2 | 14% 7 votes | Eliminated 7 votes reassigned | ||
C | 10% 5 votes | 10% 5 votes | Eliminated 5 votes reassigned | |||
A | 8% 4 votes | Eliminated 4 votes reassigned |
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4 Responses to Option A
This is a product I use for log time and thus I like how the design of A, G and F look simple and smaller than B, C, D and E. I also like the color of A's top part, then F's
I didn't use one but I chose based on smaller size and then after that color choices.
The more neutral pink / blush color in Option A seems to be the most appealing because it's not too flashy. This design also appears to have a digital read that would be easy to monitor while using. Option F is similar, but the color is a little more bold and Option G is too bright of a color pink where it almost looks like a toy. Option D, E, C, and B have a less appealing design that lack a digital read and buttons, so ranked best to worst in color are D because of the calming blue color, E with the purples and C and B are worse off due to the white part that might easily attract grime or dirt and be hard to keep looking white. The bright pink in B is the worst option because it looks too toy-like.
I chose A because it was small and would seem easier to hold without alot of effort to do so compared to the larger ones
8 Responses to Option B
I loved the options that featured lighter and brighter, more feminine pink colors since these felt more cleansing and refreshing than the heavier purple and blue colors.
B. I like the color and shape. It would be easier to insert into the bra or under the shirt to remain hands free so you can care for baby. D. I like the hands free concept and the color. E I like it for the same reasons as Band D. C. I think the color is too light, but I do like the style. G. I love the color and the look of the product, but I am not familiar with this one. F. I like the purple color but once again, I am not familiar with this style. A. I do not like the color, I am not familiar with the style or product.
Option B has the electric breast pump that looks like it would work the best for my needs. I like how the breast pump looks so lightweight in comparison with options A, G and F. I don't like how cumbersome and heavy looking the electric breast pump is in images A, G and F. I would not buy that breast pump because of the odd looking shape and the heavy look. Option B has a lightweight look to it so I assume that it would also be lightweight in person. The color of the breast pump is feminine and pleasing. I find the color to be relaxing and I think that the option B breast pump would fit my body well and work the best for my needs.
I prefer option B to all other options.
I chose option B because it seems large enough for a bigger breast. I have bigger ones, so maybe that is why. I also love the color for breast usage, pink is a feminine color. Breasts are mostly female oriented. Option Option E is the same except the color is slightly non-feminine, but still one of my favorites. It is almost gender neutral. Option D is still nice although this color combo is boyish. It is better than plain white with the blue like Option C. But C is still okay. It has plenty of nice energetic vibe to the color. Everything else is the same as my first option choice once again as the others. Option G starts off a smaller breast size. This may or may not be a good idea, depending on the size of your breasts of course. I like the color here, it is girly. Option F once again is nice and neutral, not too feminine nor too masculine. This is an Easter color too, fresh and bright. Option A has a nice color too, nothing wrong with it. But it is smallish. If you are small then fine.
I like option B the most because of the color and design. Then I chose E because of the same reasons. I like these options most because of the design and color.
B,C,E are very modern looking and look like quality pumps. I like all the colors. They look easy to open for cleaning. D,A,G look less convenient but still looks like a quality product; looks like it would be more difficult to clean with that top button
I like the options that are a completely round shape instead of having a little screen on top. The color options are all nice and wouldn't really impact my decision on buying.
5 Responses to Option C
i ranked like this design wise i like this modal really good thinking and creative i like this work
I ranked the choices highest to lowest based on my personal design and color preference. I like the smooth rounded look more than the other style with the circle on top. The colors really do not make much of a difference.
The rounded pumps make sense, what if I was pumping and on a video call for work. The one with the number looks akward. I could care less about the colors though. Maybe a nude color?
C, B, E, D I preferred the the design, and the color choose will be depending its a boy or girls
I like the rounder ones better (c, D, B,E), and ranked those based on my preferred color. I don’t like the shape of the other ones so much.
7 Responses to Option D
Honestly, the colors do not matter to me. But the style of D, E, C and B is preferable. I chose D as the top choice because the color is softer. The pump looks like it could easily hide in a nursing bra. The style of F, G, and A is odd. I like it, but it doesn’t seem functional. F is by far the best color.
D, E, B and C look the most comfortable and innovative. I like the color scheme of D the best because it is the most cheerful and pretty. F, G and A look uncomfortable and bulky.
I picked this option because it seems to be the most comfortable out of the two, as well as it looks easier to use. The color is very nice as well. I don’t understand why breast pump manufacturers insist on everything having to be pink, not every woman likes pink or purple.
D,C,E,B - I ranked these based on how much I liked the colors. A,G,F - I am not familiar with this type of breast pump but the top part looks bulky so I think would prefer the other design.
i like the colors and design of all of these!
The design and color of option D would be my choice based just upon this image. I would want to see more details of how it works and read more about the product, but my choice would definitely be option D right now. I like a more neutral color and option D seems to provide that.
I prefer the shapes that look like they would better fit the natural shape of the breast or potentially fit better within a nursing bra. I prefer the full solid colors of those options.
14 Responses to Option E
I like the shape of this one and the purple color the most. I really like the lavender color. The blue is also pretty, too. I'm not a huge fan of pink.
The design choices of E, D, B, and C are very easy to see how the product works. Color is just a matter of preference, although a solid color is preferred. I would require additional instructions as to how Choices G, D, and A work with the mechanism attached. It appears it would get in the way while using the product. Also, it appears as those options do not hold as much milk as the first four preferred choices.
Looking at the predominant use of the colors pink and blue, one presumes one might be able to delay purchasing a breast pump until the child's sex is known, I purposefully picked one of the ones that appears to reveal the most information that looks "gray," and would be a great shower gift. The smaller machines look like they may offer incomplete operation information, so I ranked all of them lastly. The larger round shape simply looks kind of cuddly...a feeling all new moms appreciate.i
there all the same besides color I would need more of a description of what they can do. I like the color the best in option e
I chose E first because I like the neutral color scheme. It comes together beautifully. It looks good. This is a solid choice. I chose D next because I like the design and color. It's sleek and neutral. I don't need it to feel super girly. I chose C third because I like the silhouette. I just don't care for all that white. It looks good but it seems like it could easily get dirty. I chose B fourth because I don't like all the pink and I don't like the white. It just looks like it would get dirty easily. It also feels gendered. I picked F, A and G in the last 3 slots because I don't like the silhouette at all. It's messy. It looks awkward. It's not as sleek. I just don't like that shape.
My first choice is Option E. I prefer just the circular ones because they look more simple and sleek. Options E,D,B and C have simialr shapes. My most preferred choice is E because of it's color. Among thse 4, it's really just a color preference. My 5th choice is G because of the design. Options G, F, A have similar designs. I am not a big fan of the top part of this design where the controls are. It make the breast pump look too bulky with that kind of shape.
Based on aesthetics alone the lavender colored ones E & F are my favorites. The others being either blue or pink is not really my thing. I think more neutral colors would be nice given a lot of women will have their breast pumps before knowing the gender of their babies.
I like the idea of the bottom on top but it looks in the way. I like the purple over soft pink.
i like the smoothness of choice E D B and C the best cause i like that it is a round shape instead of a shape like the others that may be uncomfortable or harder to hold.
With my first picks it was because of the design of the pump. I feel like they would be much easier to use. I also rated them based on which ones are prettier. With the last three I ranked them based on their colors and how well that might blend under clothes.
I chose E and ranked the choices based on the most stylish colors and the design of E (and the ones like it) doesn’t look as painful as the other design of G and the others like it.
I am definitely into the purple color and would trust the breast-shaped machine much more than the other shape. As a mother who has breastfed in total for 3 years.
I really like the color and the style of E as it's a color I like and it's not bulky looking. B,D,C are similar in style although I don't care much for the color I would still consider them before the rest of the other ones. A,F,G I really don't like the style of those as they look like they might be a bit to bulky at the top unlike E. E looks a lot more discreet.
I'm not entirely sure of the purpose of the counter on top of some of the pumps, and it does not seem like something that is entirely necessary. Because of that, I would be more likely to purchase one without it. If I knew what it was and it was actually something useful, I'd be likely to change my answer. But until then, I'd prefer the more gender-neutral purple models, moving down the colors from there and then onto the models with the counter on the top.
5 Responses to Option F
I like images F, A, G, as this design makes the most sense to me. I can see right away how the device/pump works in this design. The top colored part is a dial to choose suction speeds/strength. I chose in the order of the colors I liked in each design. I see that the milk drips out the bottom on F, A and G. The other design is not as self explanatory to me.
I prefer choice F for the extra settings on the product.
Based on design, I would buy F because of the ease of use and restful color. This is such an important devise especially with the current formula shortage. User friendly pumps are a must have!
F A G look less intimidating and F is my favorite color. Other than that, I chose more neutral colors earlier because you can use it for multiple babies and may want neutral.
I like option F. I like the shade of purple and looks very easy to use.
7 Responses to Option G
I like G because of the color and because the pump looks light and that it wouldn't be heavy and be easy to carry around. F and A are also nice but the colors don't really wow me. I like G's color the most. B,E,C and D all look to bulky and feel like they would be too much to use. I've used and electric pump before and it's always better to go smaller then bigger.
I picked G because I like the color and it’s easy to read. Options D-E don’t appear to have an electronic face although they could and it’s not depicted in the photo.
I have used a pump like G, F, and A. I really enjoyed this pump and probably would buy it again because it is familiar. I really like the darker pink and purple. The light pink is a little too light. As for the other style, I prefer the pink. D, C, and E are equal preference.
G - Best design with readout and best color. A - Preferred design with readout, second favorite color, feels too fresh-toned.F - Good design with readout, dislike the color.B - Undesirable shape with limited visibility, no digital readout, hard to see, looks difficult to clean, most preferred color.E - Undesirable shape with limited visibility, no digital readout, hard to see, looks difficult to clean, second preferred color.C - Undesirable shape with limited visibility, no digital readout, hard to see, looks difficult to clean, dislike the white filled in color.D - Undesirable shape with limited visibility, no digital readout, hard to see, looks difficult to clean, least liked color.
I prefer the designs of G, A, and F over D, E, and C. G ranked over the breast pumps over the same design because I like its color the best.
I think option G,A and F are easy to handle and mainly G because of its color.
I really like the feminine, compact pump. It looks very nice and high quality, yet easy to use.
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