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PERFECT FOR CUSTOM CREATIONS If your work is Art & Craft or if you simply like colorful and decorative skinny tumblers, Which product would you buy instead?
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50 Responses to Option A
I chose Option A because the other Option has glitter and I don't like that.
Glitter is fun, but environmentally horrible and messy to deal with. No glitter please.
I thought this option would suit my needs for decorative tumblers and liked that it was cheaper. I didn't think that the glitter was necessary in B.
A is what I would choose for myself. Glitter not necesarry.
Both the tumblers are almost similar quality wise the only difference is glitter and $8 extra for it. So I would choose non-glittered versions as I don't think it is worth spending $8 just for a bit of glitter.
I think I would choose A because it sounds like the tumblers are plain with no glitter and I could decorate them with stickers crafted by me.
This description was more condensed. B had too many details.
I would pick option A because the price reflects it's economic value. I only need one straw cleaner so more than that is not appealing to me and I feel like other people would have their own way of cleaning.Name tags would a plus for gifting or adding to my crafting drawer. I like having different colors with the lids included. I do not like glitter and will avoid it if I can.I feel like option A is just fine with colored tumblers and no extra glitz or glitter added.It makes me more likely to purchase the product.
This is a little less money. I think a straw cleaner can be used for all.
No glitter and lower price are best for me.
I'm not sure I see a need for 12 straw cleaners. I can always buy more at a later date if I need it.
It's $8 dollars cheaper, and the only difference is that the other cup has glitter in between the tumbler's walls.
I prefer Option A. The explanation is shorter and more easily legible. I also very much do not want a tumbler with glitter as it can get loose with age.
I like this one the best, I don't need the glitter.
I like A because I think the tumblers would look better without the glitter added. The fact that it's cheaper too is a plus for me.
I would want the tumblers without glitter. I have had very bad experiences with glitter and do not want this experience ever again. Glitter gets everywhere. I also do not want to swallow it in my drink.
Set A is more appealing. It's lower in price. I also wouldn't be interested in glitter ones.
Of go for the cheapest option
I chose A because $50 is a decent deal.
I pick choice A because I would not pay the 8 extra dollars for glitter and more free straw cleaners. The is not with it to me.
A - I have to go with my family "configuration", I have 2 boys (16 and 11y) and glitter is absolutely not allowed at home :( , also the straws are not important because we use paper straws. The best option for me is A
I like the lack of caps and the $50 price.
i would choose choice a and customize them on my own to increase my bottom line.
A's wording is better and I'm not a fan of glitter.
From my understanding, the product is for people to customize for themselves at home. I would prefer the tumblers without the glitter, because then it's more customizable depending on the situation I want to use it for.
I guess A because it is cheaper.
I picked A because I don't like glitter, I don't need 12 straw cleaners when 1 is plenty, and it is cheaper.
I would not want to pay extra money for glitter or for name tags but I do see that the name tags are included with both options. I think that option A would suit my needs perfectly so that is the choice that I would make. The double wall tumblers sound like they are high quality with tops that would not leak. Option A would be perfect for my needs.
I chose A because why would I need 12 free straw cleaners, plus, the price is more for those "free" straw cleaners. Yes, B has glitter inside the double wall which is probably why the price is higher, but most shoppers would still see the price difference as being the difference in the "free" straw cleaners. I also wouldn't care to have the glitter inside the double wall. It's hard for me to picture it, but it sounds like you would only see the glitter when you have the lid off.
This one is cheaper and I think 12 straw cleaners is unnecessary
Option A and Option B are nearly identical. A is cheaper. Since there is no image, one has very little to work with. Price is the deciding factor.
I prefer the solid color options.
I would not like the glitter inside the walls. I also prefer this because its cheaper. This one seems more basic and I would want that for custom creations. I do wish it came with 12 straw cleaners though.
I think that option A sounds great and reasonable for the products.
I prefer A as the price is slightly less than the other option. They both have very similar descriptions, with the main difference being one straw cleaner in option A. I think only one is necessary though.
I don't need twelve straw cleaners for $8.
8 dollars more for 11 straws and some glitter? no thanks
I don't see the use of having so many accessories. For me it isn't worth it to pay more.
I'd save $8 and only get one straw cleaner and no glitter. I'm not a glitter fan and straw cleaners always get thrown out anyway
I didnt get a picture but money is always a factor for me.
I wouldn't pay extra for straw cleaners- if it's just for me, I only need one. If I am selling it- not sure I need any.
I like option A the best. I think the use of fonts in the option B is kind of off putting. I don't care for that descritpion at all. option A however, is very easy to read, understand and get all points accross to the consumer.
Anything with CAPITAL LETTERS makes me turned off. If your product doesn't make me interested, then the letters in caps isn't going to help at all. A lets the product speak for it's self.
I like how A has no glitter because some people might not like that.
I would buy A because I would not want glitter.
I'd buy A, I think they would be more better looking without glitter.
Option a is my first choice, its easy to read and understand what is included, option b is very clunky
I would choose option A over option B. The plain colors give me more options to customize than getting ones that are already glittered. I can always add glitter myself to a portion of the tumblers if I wanted.
There really is no need for so many straw cleaners to be included, one is enough for a household, and if selling the tumblers, other households can have their own cleaners for their multiple tumblers.
I would purchase this product because it would match everyone in my home. There is not any glitter so the boys in the household can use them as well. The description was also a lot simpler than the other option.
50 Responses to Option B
More straw cleaners is worth it.
I feel that this is a better value to buy
I chose B because it includes glitter which makes it unique but also because it states that it comes with twelve straw cleaners. It says these are free but I would consider this as part of the overall payment meaning that this would have a higher value than the one straw cleaner you get from the other option.
I like that B has glitter and that the cups are constructed with a double wall. Kids love glitter and i think they would like this version more than the plain version of A.
The product I would purchase is Choice B because it comes with GLITTER INSIDE OF THE DOUBLE WALL and the colored Lids, the other option just has colored lids, so Choice B gives you something more to make custom creations.
I chose B because even though it's 8 dollars more, it comes with a lot more stuff. What sold me was the glitter aspect. I think glitter is the best, which is why I went with option B!
I chose the second option, option B, because you get more for your money and you could easily separate the tumblers into cute and fun gifts because each comes with a straw and its own straw cleaner
It'll be nice to get the extra straws. I really want though would be the glitter on the tumblers which sounds cute.
First off, I would never buy this period. $50 on tumblers - yeah, hard pass. I know there are 12 of them, but no. I just can't see doing this. BUT, since I'm here, if I were to buy something like this I would definitely go with option B. Sure, it's more money, but you get 12 straw cleaners instead of just one. My straw cleaner is actually rusting, which is ridiculous for something that's supposed to be used in water, but here I am. I could see myself going through them, so if I'm going to buy the tumblers, I might as well get a bunch of straw cleaners for a few extra dollars. Also, the glitter doesn't hurt. I like glitter.
The ones with glitter in them would really be pretty. This would be great for a party setting.
I selected option B because of the amount of features offered within the package. It is a good buy because of the additional items offered.
I would buy Option B. I am sold on the glitter portion of the tumblers. That's my passion and i would enjoy these.
I like the option for more cleaners and it just seems to be more descriptive.
I think this might be a slightly better deal.
If I was going to sell or gift most of the tumblers to other people, I would like the option of 12 cleaners to share with other people. Having the additional cleaners is a good decision I appreciate.
I would definitely buy the glitter ones -- anything with sparkles is better than anything without sparkles, no matter what the product is, but especially for tumblers.
I was drawn in by the option of glitter inside of the tumblers
glitter always adds a lot of personality and fun to products like this
That double wall matters. I'm a extra ice type and this is good for me.
I would buy option B with the glitter inside of the double wall because I think they would add sparkle to my designs. In addition, I would want to give a straw cleaner with each finished product and this set has enough to do that.
The glitter and extra cleaners make it so much more worth it. I think the value is more in choice B.
I would prefer this with the 12 different straw cleaners and all of the other perks and with the glitter, it would be more fun to use that.
For only $8 you can get tumblers with glitter, a double walls in the cups, and twelve straw cleaners instead of one. That is a lot more for only $8 so it is the definitely the one I choose.
Because option be sounds more attractive with all of the glitter I can just imagine a lot of glitter so I think that would be really nice to put on Tumblr's and you also would get 12 straw cleaners unlike the other you only get one
I voted for B because the ad had a more organized layout and gave more in-depth informational details. I didn't mind the price point because the layout of the ad showed that I was getting a lot for my money.
Glitter and more straw cleaners!
I like the glitter option.
I think B's list seems like the best deal for the money.
The straw cleaners are a game changer, and i would pay the extra for one for each straw.
I prefer to get 12 straw cleaners so I can give them away for people I make tumblers for. It adds value and is worth the extra money.
i would want this set because even though it cost more, you get more for your money. I make designs on tumblers as a side job and I would love to have these to sell
I prefer the glitter. It makes it so pretty! It's worth paying a little extra to have it.
it is worth it to spend the extra 8 dollars for the glitter and 12 straw cleaners. It's convenient and there is value having everything packaged together.
I would spend the extra 8 dollars for the glitter and other little extra accessories seems worth it to me
I like glitter so if I was making items for personal use and for friends I would probably opt for the glitter tumblers. I think the extra straw cleaners would also be a nice bonus to include if I was designing the tumblers to sell since I could include one with each cup.
Because this is very much useful for me so that i picked this option.
I chose B. I like that it comes with glitter. I also appreciate the 12 straw cleaners vs 1 in the other product. This means each person could get a straw cleaner if I was ot give these as a gift.
This would be better if giving away as gifts
While I do not care for the glitter version, I prefer straw cleaners for all tumblers.
B. It costs more but appears to give one so much more for the money. B is a better value over A.
I think this one is a better value. The description wording is easy to follow and gives me a clear picture
I would have to see a picture, but I think Option B is fun with glitter nad it sounds more colorful. I also like that it has 12 straw cleaners because i would give these out as gifts so it would be nice that each person would get a straw cleaner too.
I like this one better because the tumblers have glitter.
I prefer option B because it mentions glitter inside the double wall. It would be very sparkly and colorful.
I like that the glitter inside the walls of the cups and I think that it is also great to have a straw cleaner for each cup since I would be giving or selling them to different people.
Choice B allows twelve complete gifts for giving containing a tumbler, lid, straw and cleaner along with a name tag. Choice A only has one straw cleaner which is not enough for any kind of gift giving or selling as a set.
This seems more desirable as it features the glitter inside the tumbler and feels like a better deal
This option seems to have a lot more to offer
I like the ones with glitter as they sound more attractive.
I would prefer the option that comes with straw cleaners for all of the products. Otherwise, I would prefer to get no straw cleaner at all.
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