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What's a catchier name for a player vs player game?
25 Responses to Option A
I think this sounds like a pretty cool and unique name!
Squad sounds more like a whole team.
sounds more exciting
Squid Attack! is eye-catching and sounds fun.
sounds like a lot more fun
Attack to me implies competition
Squad implies a team.
A is more active and playful
I like the vibrancy of the name
This seems to make more sense since it has "Attack" in the name and you're going player vs player.
The title suggests action
Option A sounds like a pvp game unlike option B which sounds more like a pve game.
Player vs. Player = Attack. a Squid squad would lead me to believe it was some type of "team" concept game. Option A.
There really isnt enough info to determine this. What kind of game is it?
Option B doesn't imply as much action as option A.
sounds more fun
A seems more exciting.
squad sounds more multiplayer
Attack is catchier
More fun
It sounds more one-on-one.
Attack suits a PvP game better.
Attack always makes me think of versus games and the exclamation mark helps to get that point across.
The title sounds more exciting for a player vs player game.
A is catchier sounding. Neither conveys the Player-vs-Player attitude of the game, but A is far more direct and violent.
25 Responses to Option B
It sounds more like a player vs player type game.
It suggest cooperative play which is more fun
squad would indicate more than one person
I like that B Rhymes.
It sounds better, because of the 2 S's
A just reminds me of "Mars Attacks!" Squid Squad rolls off the tongue better.
It rhymes, enough said
I like the alliteration of B.
This seems catchier.
this one is really cute
catchier name
It rolls off the tongue nicely and the other option is honestly played out and sounds like a cheap mobile game.
This title is just more interesting to me.
I like the alliteration.
Sounds fun
I like the flow of the title better.
These are both kind of funny but I think the squad idea is better.
Alliteration is almost always catchier than 2 or more words that don't start with the same letter.
The alliteration is more memorable and attention grabbing
Option B is mush catchier that option A. I think it is because the two words both start with s and it is not to words you normally say together. Also it is fun to say!
I like the alliteration with both S words. I think Squid Attack sounds like a name that has already been taken.
squad squad squad
Both are pretty good, but I think Option B is more memorable.
Squid Squad sounds so much better than Squid Attack. It is intriguing and I want to know more about this game.
Title A sounds more exciting because you are forced to read it that way, but I think Squid Squad is more catchy because of the word-play.
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