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This is a demo of ReelChat--a video-based dating mobile app. What do you think of the concept? If you are/were single, would you use it? Why or why not?
50 Responses
It looks like a good app with a lot of useful features. I don't think I would personally use it though because I think being seen on video first thing wouldn't make me look the best.
Video is fantastic for a dating app. It lets you really see what the person looks like/makes it less likely to be an older photo or taken at a more flattering angle. I also like being able to hear someone's voice, since some people have obnoxious voices to me.
The question with as much detail as you can.
Maybe it was the guy, but I really loved this interface. It sounded so natural, and the concept is really cool. I liked how you could listen to 3 things about him.
This is a good concept. It gives you a good idea about the person prior to contacting them.
I love the idea of seeing videos of people instead of a static photo. It makes people seem more relatable and you can tell a lot about someone when they speak or share some information with you. I would hope this feature would be optional since some of us are quite shy and wouldn't feel comfortable doing this, at least initially. I am single and would love to use this feature on a dating app.
While it's nice it gives the distance, it doesn't give much more information. I'd rather see common interests and more about what sort of person he is than answers to the questions listed.
It can be helpful
I would at least try the app. I liked the video chat availability because it gives you a real idea of who you are talking to,which allows you to ensure you're talking to a real person and not someone being fake and catfishing you.
it seems too cluttered
The app interface looks well-designed, appealing and easy to use. The concept sounds fun, the conversation starters are interesting and make the whole thing seem like a fun game. I would probably use it or a t least try it out, but I would not expect too much. From personal experience, I have often had the most fun and inspiring and interesting conversations with people I have zero romantic compatibility with - therefore only four stars instead of five.
UI is not attractive or clear. Not sure if sharing a favorite peeve is good part of first contact.
I'm giving it a three because a picture isn't shown, but if a picture is available than my rating would be higher (4-5 stars). I like that there are those questions that can be answered so that you can see a bit of their intellect and personality.
The concept seems good. However, I think I would have different questions for the lead in such as favorite hobbies and passtimes and what the person was looking for in a relationship.
I think it is a dating app of some kind. I do not think I would use it because I never liked cyber dating or meeting up with people I had never met
This would be new and different. It would provide another dimension to evaluate a person. I think it would be fun.
While graphics are a little sad, I love the idea to see videos of the person and that I like a lot! If graphics were improved, it would definitely be a top app.
I think this is a great idea. You can learn a lot about a person by how they talk, how they carry themselves, etc. I think this will do really well!
I think the idea is great, but in reality I know that I am not comfortable on video and would prefer any interactions to be in person. I think a picture is enough to go on and I would probably not participate in this app.
If it policed well, otherwise it could just be guys abusing the video system.
Seems interesting. I suppose it could be a good thing to help young people find out things we used to find out while speaking to the person face to face. This was one of the things that made them more interesting, learning as we went, face to face. It was much more solid.
Its' an interesting concept. But sometimes people are awkward on video or unnatural. I don't think I would be able to post a video of myself
This too me looks like a difficult app, a lot of information, it should be set up all the info on one page not all kinds of questions in a row, the easier the app the more people would use it, looks like to much for the everyday person.
As good as any dating site, I suppose. They all promise more than is reasonably expected.
It doesn't seem very professional
I like the questions that are asked
I really agreed with this.
I think it has a lot of potential. I would consider using it but would want a wider choice of questions to answer.
I have absolutely no idea why this would be useful. I suppose the younger crowd would access this.
I think this is a great way to start getting to know someone, even if it isn't for just dating. I am not sure I would ever use an app for dating, but getting to know people I would
I like all the information the screen gives in one place. The three questions give you a chance to hear them before you meet them.
I don't think I would want the location on before even meeting them, wouldn't be good for some to know. The questions are interesting. Although some people might lie about the drinking, meds, marijuana symbols.
I think this would give everyone a much better idea if they would like this person.
I will start out by saying that I am married and more of an introvert, so if I was dating a video would not be the way I would do things. However, if I did, I think this app looks wonderful. It seems very user friendly. I love that you are actually getting to know the person a bit and hear their speaking voice right away. You can ask questions and have that instant feedback. No time for any catfishing craziness here! I think just seeing a persons face and expression as you are talking to them can tell you so much and easily let you know if you are ready to meet them. So, a big yes for me!!
Not sure...not particularly appealing to me
I am not sure if I would. It is a good concept, I think, but for me, I don't like how it shows where the other person is located.
I really like the video portion of this dating app, because it allows you to see AND hear the person before matching or meeting for a date. This aspect allows you to easily weed out those individuals who don't meet your standards. I would have used an app like this if I was looking for a potential date.
I would be too lazy to record videos.
I would definately use this app. I like the questions. They would help to " break the ice" so to speak and help me find out things that I don't think I would think to ask of someone. I also like the location feature. I wouldn't want to spend time trying to meet someone that was really far away.
I like the idea that you can see the person face to face to talk to them before meeting them in person. I also like that you can ask questions and chat. It lets you get to know them before you actually meet them. I was use this
If I were single, yes, I would use it. I like that you can hear him speak and see his body language.
The concept is overused and the platform is rather plain. I would personally not use it because it lacks unique quality, nor does it provide anything another service does not already provide.
I like that it provides thoughtful questions. I would use it if I was single.
Person was very honest and gave backround information about himself.
I like the primary focus on videos instead of photos. They are far more helpful. They are a great way of analysing mannerisms, personality, voice and mood. The only reason I would not use a dating app is because I'm a bit Aspergic and am very happy being single forever.
This is a very good idea. I would like to see a person speak and it's hard to improve your appearance, speech, or voice in a video, whereas you can in photos.
I liked the idea of a video and think that it would be popular, however I wouldn't use it because I'd be uncomfortable with that.
I personally would not use any type of dating service.
I wouldn't likely use it because taking videos gives me a bit of anxiety and that's the whole gimmick. I can think of people who would love this idea though and if done up right then it could be a great business!
I suppose it might be interesting to actually see and hear the prospect but I've been married so long it's hard for me to imagine using a dating app.
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