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Which title of this free promotion would you be more apt to want to read and why?
Option E won this Ranked poll with a final tally of 58 votes after 4 rounds of votes counting.
In a Ranked poll, respondents rank every option in order of preference. For example, when you test 6 options, each respondent orders their choices from first to sixth place.
PickFu requires a majority to win a Ranked poll. A majority winner differs from a plurality winner. A majority winner earns over 50% of the votes, whereas a plurality winner earns the most votes, regardless of winning percentage.
If an option does not earn a majority of votes, PickFu eliminates the option with the lowest number of votes. The votes from the eliminated option are reassigned based on each respondent’s next choice. This process continues in rounds until a majority winner emerges.
Scores reflect the percentage of total votes an option receives during the vote counting and indicate the relative preference of the respondents. If there is no majority winner, look to the scores to see how the options fared relative to one another.
Option | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 |
E | 26% 26 votes | 30% 30 votes +4 | 37% 37 votes +7 | 58% 58 votes +21 |
D | 27% 27 votes | 29% 29 votes +2 | 33% 33 votes +4 | 42% 42 votes +9 |
A | 23% 23 votes | 24% 24 votes +1 | 30% 30 votes +6 | Eliminated 30 votes reassigned |
B | 15% 15 votes | 17% 17 votes +2 | Eliminated 17 votes reassigned | |
C | 9% 9 votes | Eliminated 9 votes reassigned |
23 Responses to Option A
I hate when percentages are involved (D is last place as a result)I think A gets the point across best, with B second
I liked the wording for option A the most. The ultimate guide part sounded very strong. Option D, the save 50% caught my attention. Option E and C, sounded good. I thought the wording for option C sounded slightly stronger like saying elevate. Option B, I thought sounded just okay in terms of the wording.
Choices A and E do catch my attention much better because the choice of words are clear and simple, they get my attention more because they are straight to the point of the essence of the book.
It covers many aspects of the backyard. A good-looking landscape, patio or outdoor kitchen can increase the value of the home.
The words "culinary oasis" really caught my attention. A is the clear winner here for me. The rest of the choices sounds somewhat generic, like I've heard it all before.
Of all of the optons option A for em was the clear winner. After reading all of them a couple of times I settled on option A because it not only sounded great was easy to read but the call to action actually worked at least to me it did. I thought E was also good not as good as A but elevating my outdoor living space really says it all simply and tot he point. The only one I didnt really like was choice C with the line of sizzling up my yard I dont know it seemed kinda of plain and uninspired. I think had there been a little bit better wording for my third choice that of 50% off I would have chosen that one maybe 2nd.
I like A the best because it sounds more dramatic and different compared to the other choices.
A seemed more explanatory. Rather than reading about it, it seemed like A was more of a guide to success - maybe more like steps and bulleted lists.
I love home decorating literature and would like any of these but I made my choices according to how much they appealed to me, and which I would be most likely to buy in real life. All are very nice.
A is engaging, without being over the top.
I like Option A the most. It's easy to read, grabs your attention and is straightforward. It also has a positive manner and a enthusiastic way. Option E is also quite nice with a pleasing simplicity and uplifting theme. Option B seems also noteworthy and interesting. The remaining options are perfectly fine but not as eye catching and seem to just rehash the previous options.
I picked A, D and E as my top choices as I like the way it tells me that it's very easy to cook with.
I chose A first because I like the sound of an "ultimate guide". I chose B second because I'd like to receive a planning toolkit. I chose E third because I like Free. I chose C fourth because "sizzle" sounds dumb. I chose D last because I don't want an ebook.
I picked option A because of its clear use of the word guide.
I like the words like "ultimate" "culinary oasis" "save 50%" "unlock potential" "sizzle up"
I know that option A doesn't use the words free or anything else that conveys a hand-out, but there is something about the wording in option A that I really like. It comes across as professional and is phrased in a way that it is addressing a problem. I like it.
I prefer option A, because it is lively, descriptive and has a lot of positive energy. It generates interest in a way the other don't. Option E isn't as energetic, but I like that it offers a free handbook. Option D talks about saving 50%, which is attractive. Options B and C aren't as compelling, because they don't offer as much energy or interest.
Option A is what gets my attention. I have been wanting to do this for the longest time but I have not done it because I have no idea where to begin. This e book would give me the direction and inspiration that I need to get started and follow it through
Having words like Ultimate and Elevate make it sound better.
i like the phrases used in a. 'dream outdoor kitchen' and 'culinary oasis' are very vivid and excite me.
A is the most intriguing because it's about making an ultimate outdoor kitchen. It sounds like it's going for top tier improvements.
first two are ok, the rest mentioning a "free ebook" immediately would make me ignore them
I like the word transform it makes me think it will help me completely reconfigure my backyard
15 Responses to Option B
B and E are the best to me mostly due to the fact they say free right in the description. B is my favorite though it makes it sound easy to do and like you can do it yourself
i like this one because it relates to plan an outdoor kitchen in an exciting way
I clicked in the order that seemed the most trustworthy and the least like clickbait.
Seeing the word "Free" in a title grabs my attention and is an incentive to continue reading. I like Options B & E the best with a preference for Option B because the title is more catchy using a colon to separate the first part from the second part.
I would not be interested in reading any of these; they all sound like a sham. But if forced to choose, the least sensational are marginally better than the more sensational.
B is most evocative because I like the idea of unlocking potential in any form. D is a little corny, too direct a sales pitch.
B I feel gives me the best understanding of what I would be getting from the ebook.
I cited #1 as my first choice because I loved the sound of “unlocking my homes potential,” and have never thought about having an outdoor kitchen. The next couple of choices were simply because there is a free ebook. Then the last few because first I liked the sound of a culinary oasis and then it automatically made C the last choice
B is the best title because it's simple but attention grabbing without being too clickbaity.
The first pick makes it sound like it is really helpful for every step of planning your outdoor kitchen.
I like B because I like how it talks about unlocking potential. That gets my attention first.
Free toolkit seems more feasible
Unlocking potential and Ultimate guide really capture my attention the most.
B feels as if you are making your living space bigger and better.
Option B. This option sounds like it has ideas and options that will add value to your home.
9 Responses to Option C
The words are more descriptive and interesting - it makes me think that I would appreciate the information in the ebook.
I want to know how to make the backyard more appealing so option C has this covered!
The word "sizzle" brings to mind happy images of grilling in the backyard, which motivates me to learn more about the concept of outdoor kitchens.
I prefer option C because the title is the most creative and consuming. Option D and E feel persuasive as well. Option A and B feel mediocre to me.
This title evokes the sense of taste and that always gets me interested and raring to start learning what its going to teach me
Sizzle up your backyard is such a fun title of choice C, I would look into this one
The word ‘sizzle’ grabs my attention which is what makes c appealing. E specifies that it’s free which gives me incentive to get it and dream about creating an outdoor space for my family. The others are good but wouldn’t entice me quite the way C and e do
I like the idea of a "Culinary Oasis."
Option C was the most engaging because it used a sensory word "sizzle". E and B are easy to read and interesting. A was a little too long. Option D assumes that the reader is already in the process of building an outdoor kitchen so it might not pull unfamiliar people into the process.
27 Responses to Option D
[D] keeps it simple, concise, compact and to the point which will capture a large audience. people generally have low attention spans on average.
The 50% savings grabbed my attention because I know outdoor kitchens are expensive.
I like option D best because it is the only option that clearly states a core benefit of me taking action, saving 50%. It makes me feel like I'm missing out if I don't do it.
Option D is my favorite, because the description suggests that it will offer real and concrete tips for saving money. A comes next, because it sounds like the ebook will be more detailed and comprehensive than the others, and then B comes after that, because a "planning toolkit" sounds like it would be fairly easy to use, even if it is less detailed. E and C are fairly sparse, so they are ranked lowest, but E at least sounds like its "Design Handbook" would be more informative than C's "Inspiration eBook", the latter of which sounds like it could be not much more than pictures of attractive outdoor kitchens.
very difficult to rank because four of these are very good. i happen to like "D" the most, barely. it includes "50% off, as well as "free;" very impressive, that is bound to get people's attention. the only one i'm not crazy about is "A," "culinary oasis," is a little over the top but no matter which one of these you choose you are in good shape. kudos to you.
I like the idea of saving money.
D, E, A, and B all sound like promotions that would let me learn new skills and I like to read things that are educational. Sizzle in C just sounds like a weird choice of words.
The benefit of D is most appealing, where I like how A emphasizes the "ultimate guide"
D is the best as there is a 50% saving with building my outdoor kitchen from the ebook. B is the worst as "Unlock your home's full potential...” sounds vague.
The shorter textual options seem mostly appealing and contain a decent amount of information for the consumer. I'm drawn towards mostly understandable language that stays on subject with impressive details, so my attention is maintained.
Because I'm very frugal and saving money is important to me, so the wording grabbed my attention.
Option D is my choice because it indicates a guide that is free of cost with a savings of 50% which is a double savings of which I love savings.
I like this one because it would tell me how to get a discount on my outdoor kitchen and help me save money.
Option D is first because it mentions the ebook is free and emphasizes how to learn about cost savings. Option E is second because it mentions the ebook is free and emphasizes how to elevate designs which is ok but not as tempting as cost savings. Option B is third because it mentions the ebook is free but the phrase about unlocking full potential is less clear. Option C is fourth because kitchen inspiration is ok but it doesn't mention the ebook is free. Option A is last because it is too wordy and doesn't mention the ebook is free.
I think being able to improve your home and at a discount is most l8kely to get people’s attention the most.
I liked that D emphasized the savings and also featured a punchy and proactive action verb.
I ranked the promotions based on how practical and valuable they sounded. D and A resonated with me much more than the other options.
D uses language that is straightforward and direct while also being believable and trustworthy.
I chose D first because it emphasized 50% savings and a free ebook. I chose B next because it mentioned a free planning toolkit. I chose E next because it had the word "free". I chose A next because it was descriptive about the outdoor kitchen. I chose C last because it did not mention the word "free".
I chose D because I like saving 50%. That sounds good.
I chose D as my first choice because I like the title and I like how it states the 50%
Option D is my top choice since I want a way to cook outside as I like to cook. Also it is for free which is a major bonus. Option D is simple and to the point.
Saving 50% AND a free ebook and I am just in the planning stages...sign me up. I would definitely click and feel that I was enriching my knowledge and finding new tips and tricks to use/do AND save money! That's a win! ps and it's also area specific, not overwhelming...I like that.
Option D was concise and to the point. Option E was to the point and I like that it has the word "free". Options C, B, and A were good, but a bit too long.
I chose Option D because it both indicates that the eBook is free and that it is possible to save 50% on the outdoor kitchen.
The options with the wording "Free" make me more apt to trying it out as I know there are no hidden costs. I liked option D the best though because it shows I can save even more if I read that book.
Save and free are the words closest to my heart
26 Responses to Option E
E is the shortest and most to the point. I also like D with the saving 50%. However, all are fine.
Option E (followed by B and D) is my top choice because it not only clearly states what product or service is being offered, it also informs the reader that it is free.
I would go for the free versions first. I like how this version talks about elevating my space. Makes realistic claims that don't seem too exaggerated.
the first 3 options are the best because they are the only ones that mention you getting something for either free or at a discount
Option E sounds upscale and elegant. Option A is a bit wordy but effective. Option D seems a bit tacky.
I like that Options E and B make it clear that the ebook is free.
Shorter is better, and much more efficient which I really appreciate in a tagline. E was handy because it was both short and had the word FREE screaming at me.
Options E,B and D use the word to let you know that you get an ebook for free.
I like both number one and number two although all of these sound pretty good. I like just how to elevate your kitchen essentially Outdoors which seems akin to number one. I like number two as well though and with the other one saving 50% is always good I suppose
i chose option e because it describes the book as FREE
I I like EI
E is by far the most concise and captivating. B and A are way too long.
I like E the best. It mentions the word free in all caps super clearly and liked how it made a pretty realistic statement that caught my eye first.I liked D next because it mentioned a fact in percentages which I thought was appealing while mentioning the free eBook. It did seem too technical though in comparison.I chose B and C next because they both mention the eBook but C doesn't mention free and B feels too generic. I liked A the least as it didn't mention the free eBook. Didn't make it feel enticing.
Option e gives me a free download book and does not make me feel like im trying to be sold something
The slogan for option e most made me want to download info on outdoor kitchen renovation.
E is my favorite choice because it states in the best way what purchasing their free book can do to improve your outdoor kitchen using the word, free. B is my second choice because it has the second-best way to describe their free promotion using the word, free. D is my third choice because it is the third-best way to describe their free promotion using the word, free. C is my fourth choice because it uses exciting action words to describe their free promotion, which makes it sound exciting and interesting. A is my fifth choice because it has the least attractive way to describe their free promotion.
Option e is simple and to the point
I think option E would make people want to get it more because it has "FREE" in the title.
It's simple and it tells me what I'm getting for free.
I just liked E's "Elevate your outdoor living" more than the other choices. It resonates with me since I'm a Southern Californian, and indoor/outdoor living is just a part of our day-to-day lives. I ranked the others in descending order, according to how much I liked them.
I am most apt to download and read E because the title tells me just what I need to know to want to explore the option further.
Definitely Option E or A is most enticing in my personal opinion. Thank you.
When there is the word FREE everything is easier
Option E is the best option because it has the word "Free" in capital letters. This grabs my attention immediately and makes me focus more on the option. The other options are forgettable.
I like that this option lets you know that it is a free download, it is not selling anything but helping you get some great ideas for your patio area.
Option E is the most concise and uses the word free. It means little to no investment for the resource material. The other titles are drawn out.
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