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Which wooden baby gym variation do you prefer to buy?
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19 Responses to Option A
I like to chose option A. because my baby loves bees doll.she loves to watch.
Option a Because that one looks cuter and was displayed better
This version has all softer or padded toys dangling within the baby’s reach and would be gentler for the baby’s hands to grasp or bat at or or if the baby rolls over and makes contact with the toys with her or his head.
I prefer option A with more soft toys and no beads. I personally do not like beads as a toy for a young baby.
More plush toys makes it seem more valuable. Not sure the other toys would be safe for a baby.
I like choice A the best as I feel that the lighting is brighter and looks much better than choice B.
This baby gym has more interesting looking toys than the other option.
I like that it used the same colors
Choice A has different combinations of black and white designs to help with coordination. Choice B there are beads which are chocking hazards on the strings for the toys.
I can see the wooden parts breaking and then you have dozens of beads everywhere and something the child can't use
The five hanging toys are attractive. The baby would be happy to play with them.
I like option A because it more centered. I would pick option A.
I chose A because it has more soft toys with it, which would be ideal for a baby to grab. Usually anything like this will end up going in a baby’s mouth at some point. Im not sure the wood beads on the other option are a good idea.
I prefer option A because it has more.
I think a baby would be more interested in the stuffed objects than they would be in the wooden ones.
I chose option A because it looks safer and I like more of the black and white colors.
I like A because of how many toys you get. There's a variety. I will say, I don't like the toy with the legs poking out.
It has more baby-like dolls hence will be much useful considering hoe kids likes dolls.
31 Responses to Option B
I loved all of the knotted textures (probably for teething) that were shown on the hangers for B.
I like that option B has different types of toys hanging down, and also I like that the toys are a little more spaced out, seems easier for the baby to grab at
I choose option B because it has a variety of textures and shapes for the baby to play with.
Looks less cluttered and overloaded
different size and texture is good for baby
I prefer Option B as my first choice. It has a sharper, more detailed layout and there are less small stuffed animals but instead beads and other tactile choices. It's more varied and has a pleasant appearance.
I like the beads in between each little stuffed thing better.
I prefer option B with the variety of textures, lengths of toys. I think the variety is better for a small baby.
Option B had a greater variety of shapes and styles, making it more interesting and entertaining for a baby.
I like the variety of toy shapes look in B. There is more than just one choice of type of toy.
B because the feature looks much more open overall and indicative on a strong and reliable brand.
The layout is easier to see the toys.
I prefer option B as the items hanging from the bar are not too cluttered and too close together. It looks more simple and I feel the striped animals would not be a confusion for the baby. This might be the case with option a as there are so many to look at.
This option has different items hanging which I think a baby would like.
It has varieties.it will good for babies for touch and feel game
I like B over A. It offers more variety of objects, textures and colors for baby to look at.
I prefer the variation in B because of the variety. Super great gym!
I like the variety of B. It is nice to have some soft and some wooden thing to play with.
I like the way this one draws my attention and how I can seethe whole product
I prefer choice B because there is more variety in the hanging down toys, which alternate.
My first choice looks like the toys are better spaced apart and it would be easier for a baby to grab at the toys.
This wooden baby gym is more asymmetric and attractive in my opinion.
I like the variety in option B, things for the baby to grasp and pull with, black and white colors for stimulation
Option B is a better choice. The toys have different physical characteristics and can be used to train a wider variety of skills.
I like the plain ropes in between to give the babies eyes a rest.
I think the mixture of the wood and the plush toys are a better combination for stimulation.
B shows the items in a closer view and is much clearer on sizing.
A is an awkward angle that is far away, making it hard to examine the product. B zooms in.
I like the different textures that are available. This would be a great sensory toy because they are learning 2 different textures as well as shapes
I chose based on what my child would like more.
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