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Which of these three women's razors do you like best? Why?
Option B won this Ranked poll with a final tally of 61 votes after 2 rounds of votes counting.
In a Ranked poll, respondents rank every option in order of preference. For example, when you test 6 options, each respondent orders their choices from first to sixth place.
PickFu requires a majority to win a Ranked poll. A majority winner differs from a plurality winner. A majority winner earns over 50% of the votes, whereas a plurality winner earns the most votes, regardless of winning percentage.
If an option does not earn a majority of votes, PickFu eliminates the option with the lowest number of votes. The votes from the eliminated option are reassigned based on each respondent’s next choice. This process continues in rounds until a majority winner emerges.
Scores reflect the percentage of total votes an option receives during the vote counting and indicate the relative preference of the respondents. If there is no majority winner, look to the scores to see how the options fared relative to one another.
Option | Round 1 | Round 2 |
B | 50% 50 votes | 61% 61 votes +11 |
A | 31% 31 votes | 39% 39 votes +8 |
C | 19% 19 votes | Eliminated 19 votes reassigned |
31 Responses to Option A
I prefer A because I don't like the splashing water effect in the background of C and B.
A seems easier to grip and looks fancier or more expensive
Option A looks like it would be easiest to hold and to use.
It seems the most streamlined of the 3. This would make it easier to handle.
I really like the sleek style and design of A the best because it seems the most user friendly.
I like the design of the handle in Option A more than others.
While I may not have too high of a preference with this one, I do like how the positioning of Option A’s digital screen, as it shouldn’t take away from the product itself.
The mirror sounds super helpful in A. The display screen was easier to read in B than C.
I like the position of the numbers best on option A.
I like A because it is a bit thinner and more ergonomic. It looks more comfortable. I like that it is non-slip too!!
I chose option A because it has more features I would use, I do not need a display screen
The screen up top feels weird and I'd be paranoid about the water
A looks easiest to hold. I like all of them, actually.
Why would I need a display screen? I like the mirror option as it would help get some hard to reach places perhaps.
I prefer to hold a thinner razor. Therefore, I chose based on thickness. The thinner razor was my favorite and the thickest one was my least favorite.
I like A because it says it comes with a mirror
The stand looks really stable and the overall look is more aesthetic
I don't really see why a razor would need a display screen so I picked the one with the mirror as first choice. The others I just picked based on looks.
I think options with slimmer handles will be easier to use.
The more slim design seems it would be easier and more comfortable to hold.
I'm always dropping things, so non-slip is most compelling to me.
I don't like the options that have the water splash. It makes the image design unnecessarily busy.
I like A the best because it is a sleeker design and thus would be easier to use. I also love that it comes with a mirror. I don't need a display screen as much as a razor that will do the job without slipping.
Since I have a smaller hand I chose those that appeared to be the slimmest as I think they would be easier for me to hold.
I prefer option A because this shape looks sleeker and easier to use.
I prefer option A. This one looks the most ergonomically friendly and the stand looks reliable.
I would choose A first because it is a slimmer model.
I chose option A with the mirror. I think that one would be the easiest to use and see what you are doing.
I like A because the other two are too thick
I prefer A over option B and C for its sleek design, along with the practical features like the power cords and smaller holder, user friendly power display. The simple battery life display is a great touch and not overpowering to look at like the other options.
I chose option (A) because it lets you know that you will receive a mirror also, everything else is displayed except the mirror.
50 Responses to Option B
The display screen of B is the most easily readable and has large numbers on display.
B seems like it's shaped in a way that your hand would not interfere with the screen while using it
I like the display on B the best. It looks the easiest to read, and it looks the most premium.
I like B because the curve on the razor seems more curved , and I also like that the numbers on the razors are bigger
I like the look of B with the display higher up so you can be holding the razor and still read it clearly.
The size of the numbers with B being as large as they are I think they make the product look the best.
B makes the display screen look the best and makes it most easy to see and use.
I'm not sure I can specify why, but I like the look of Option B the most of these. Just visual choice
Option B has the most user friendly display screen. It will show more information. Option A is sufficient. I do not care for Option C. Though elegant, its display is less user friendly.
I prefer option "B"; it has the largest and clearest LED display
I feel like the numbers on this digital screen are larger and easier to read.
I chose B because I like that the display is large. C is next because the display is smaller so harder to read. A is last because I don't think the mirror would be very helpful and the display is small.
B, the display at the top as you can see it at all times. With A and C, it'll be obscured by your hand when in use.
I love this woman's razer machine. It has a charging capability and many modern innovative features. This electric razer's modern and sleek new look caught my attention. The razer's bigger display and unique shape looks stunning and impressive. This electric razer together with the charging station look like a beautiful masterpiece. I am very interested in buying this Woman's Razer device.
I like the shape and size of this option the best.
I chose Option B first because I like the big display on the razor. It grabbed my attention first. I also like the design overall. I chose the other 2 options accordingly.
The numbers are large and easy to read.
I like B the most because it is simple and looks the easiest to use and understand. I also like that it is smaller than the other two options.
The shape of B and c are pleasing. I also like the metallic color shade of B and C and the display better on these two units.
I like the large digital reading that is easy to process and use.
I like the shape of the handle best in B. I think the mirror isn’t a good feature.
B looks easy to use and hold the display is large and convenient
Option B is the razor I am most likely to buy. I like the slightly curved handle because this ensures that I will not drop it. The razor looks easy to hold and I believe it will not slip out of my hand when wet. I like the shiny color, it is feminine and luxurious looking.
I like the bottom placement and the larger display.
I like the larger digital face on option B the best because it looks easier to use and easy to understand.
I like B the most as I can see the dashboard and see the number so clearly on it which is a plus. From there, I like C over A as I prefer the sleeker and symmetrical black in the center.
I think the display screen would be helpful.
I like the display screen the best on Option B. I think the design of this one would be the easiest to use.
B, i wouldn't want a touch screen function where my hand needs to hold the object. Choice B has the buttons and functions further up and away.
B is first choice - I pretty much like the entire design. I like where and how it curves, the display and its placement, the power button and the size of the head. It looks well-made. Option C is next - not in love with the base but it looks like a good width for grasping and holding and the head also looks like a good size. Last is A - I like the narrow base but the razor looks too narrow to get a good grasp and it doesn't have much curve to the shape. I also think the head looks small...which makes me think it would be more work.
Out of these three women's razors I personally like Option B best as the screen looks the easiest to read.
I like Option B the most because it is the slimmest and the least bulky
I like Option B best because I feel it looks nice and the placement of the battery percentage screen is easy to see and keep track of. It doesn't look overworked or strange. It looks clean and neat design. I also like how it has a smaller, more minimalistic stand compared to the other options.
B I like the style and the display. A I like the style and the display. C I like the display.
I chose B first, because I think that the body of that looks sleek and easier to hold, and I like how the buttons stand out from the display. I chose A over C next, because I am interested in the included mirror.
The numbers are more easily seen on the LED display here.
B,C I like the shape of these the best and the size of the razor head.
I like the looks of B. I like the shape and the readout.
Option B because it looks user friendly, less likely to malfunction or have the user accidentally press buttons and it is less bulky space wise. Thank you.
I don't need a mirror. I like that this display screen clearly lets me know battery life.
Option B is my favorite because the numbers on the digital display are big and easy to see the battery life. Additionally, the splash effect adds a nice touch to image.
I like option B because the screen is bigger and easier to read.
I prefer the more basic designs, and that is reflected in my rankings.
I like the digital readout placed higher on the handle. It just looks more natural there.
I like that this one has a larger screen that I can read easily
I like B best because I can actually see that screen in the ad. A and C are similar except for the on and off, what appears to be sliding button, but I don't like the way the screen is on the bottom and I have to look for it. I like the screen on top.
B has the biggest display window so it's easier to read. C seems not to have a very large window, too hard to see.
I like the better visibility of the display screen on B, since it won't spend as much time covered by the hand holding it. A looks a little friendlier to how it would be held in the hand, considering the display screen and button placements.
I like the screen best in option B
I am liking the look and design of the razor in the image of choice B that I would click on this one first to see how it works
19 Responses to Option C
C is the most easy going looking one and the most modern too
I like the look of design C the best with its oblong black strip up the handle.
C is first for me, looks like it would be easiest to hold onto. B second and A last.
water splashing graphic is appealing and informative, but too much (option A) is a bit too much
I like my first choice the best because it looks like it would be the easiest to hold and I prefer the look of the display screen in this choice the most. I think the style and shape of the body of the razor is the most attractive and appealing too.
I like the shape of this one best and the image with the water splash
I prefer the design, color and sturdy stand of C. A is next. B is last.
I definitely prefer a wide base for the razor because it needs to be easy to grip and sturdy. Never want any accidents due to the slip of a hand. I also chose A as last because the timer and settings are at the top, but I think this is not preferred due to the hand being gripped at the top. People will likely cover the area or even accidentally change the setttings.
I like C best because the visual display is very appealing and it looks like it would be the easiest to manage.
C, B first because the images are similar to each other and the designs are the most detailed and sleek which makes it th least appealingA last because the image design is a bit plain and vague which makes it the least appealing
C looks the most heavy duty and attractive. It looks like it would feel really nice and comfortable in my hand.
I like the shape and size of the power button on C. I feel like I would be least likely to accidently press it while using the product.
The sturdy looking base that seems like it would prevent the razor from tipping over is the most appealing.
I put the images of the ladies razors in C, B and A order. I really like C for razors. I love the design. It's my favorite out of all 3 designs. I like how the battery information is displayed.
I chose the option C at first as the product is more visually appealing than the other two , the features seems to be something better .
Optoin C i like its clean, simple and the focus is on the product, optoin A i like the button on the razor more than option b
I like the thicker product and base here. It looks like it would be work for the most hand sizes. The base looks like it would be sturdier and wouldn't fall as easily. B is a better size and thickness than but I don't like how large the display is and I prioritize that.
I like how the focus isn't on the digital readout because your hand covers it when in use anyway. I like the sleek pink look with less black color.The stand looks sturdy and stable.
Oh this is nice, very nice. I would totally buy "C", the holding base looks really nice and sturdy. "B" and "A" are nice as well, but the bases look a bit too small to hold the razor firmly in place. I feel like they would tip over more easily than the wider base on "B". Cheers!
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