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If you watched the TV show "Squid Game," which character would you dress up as for Halloween? If you didn't watch "Squid Game," what would you dress up as for Halloween?
Option B won this Ranked poll with a final tally of 27 votes after 3 rounds of votes counting.
In a Ranked poll, respondents rank every option in order of preference. For example, when you test 6 options, each respondent orders their choices from first to sixth place.
PickFu requires a majority to win a Ranked poll. A majority winner differs from a plurality winner. A majority winner earns over 50% of the votes, whereas a plurality winner earns the most votes, regardless of winning percentage.
If an option does not earn a majority of votes, PickFu eliminates the option with the lowest number of votes. The votes from the eliminated option are reassigned based on each respondent’s next choice. This process continues in rounds until a majority winner emerges.
Scores reflect the percentage of total votes an option receives during the vote counting and indicate the relative preference of the respondents. If there is no majority winner, look to the scores to see how the options fared relative to one another.
Option | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 |
B | 40% 20 votes | 44% 22 votes +2 | 54% 27 votes +5 |
C | 24% 12 votes | 32% 16 votes +4 | 46% 23 votes +7 |
A | 22% 11 votes | 24% 12 votes +1 | Eliminated 12 votes reassigned |
D | 14% 7 votes | Eliminated 7 votes reassigned |
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11 Responses to Option A
The soldier is definitely the scariest one, follow by the killer doll and the Frontman
I would dress up as the soldier in option A because I think that looks the most unique and interesting. Option C and B are good choices too. Option D feels the least enticing to me.
I really like the idea of being a squid game character. I think the worker is the most memorable.
I think the top rank one is most recognizable.
The girl is the creepiest, but it would make sense that you see a lot of those costumes this year. I won't be going out on Halloween because of Covid, though.
I haven't seen the show, but I like Option A because I love the color red.
I didnt watch squid games but i think choice A is the coolest looking one. I have seen some of the characters from the show just through social media and i feel like A will be a choice a good amount of people like.
I would like to be option A because it is scary and mysterious. I like that any gender could wear the costume and go unnoticed.
I definitely like the red jumpsuit the most. I think this is the best option because I really like the design and I think it looks the most Halloween out of the 4 options. Choice C is a great option as well, but choice A is my favorite overall.
As someone who hasn't watched the show yet, I still know that A and C are part of it, and I think the design of A is obviously pretty quirky and memorable. I'd probably buy that first, and the track suit is an easy costume too.
The triangle face character seems to be the most popular among fans of the show and is recognizable so I would go with A
20 Responses to Option B
I voted based on how appealing the images were to me compared to the others and which ones I would click on in the real world.
I've never seen the show. I think B looks the most creative and also the highest quality of the options. I like the mask a lot. I would choose A second because it is more complex and looks better than the remaining options. I wouldn't wear a woman's costume
I like the look and power that comes with B.
I'd pick the coolest looking one. I really like the mask a lot. Looks rad.
I went by what I like and what sticks out the most.
Did not watch squid game but option A and B have the potential to be the scariest costumes for halloween.
I think B is quite chilling and would be great for someone as a costume, also A is nice, allowing a sort of scary image. The Dress on D might be a great option for almost anyone, man or woman to dress up on a Halloween occasion. C is a little too plain.
My daughter has seen SQUID GAMES and absolutely loved it! I plan on starting the series next week and though I don't know the character indicated by Option B, the costume is too cool for school and I'd like to go as this character!
I have not watched Squid Game so I chose costumes based on my perception of how creepy each one is hoping to select the creepiest for my costume as this is my style.
As someone that has watched the show, B's costume stands out the most to me and would be the most fun to wear.
B looks the coolest and edgiest by far. It has a scary look to it that is perfect for Halloween. A also looks spooky but i slightly prefer the look of the gold costume(B) over red. D does not look as scary but it might be an okay costume for a girl who wants a feminine costume. It is less interesting than B and A because it looks too much like a normal dress with a cheap mask. C just looks like a typical track suit and does not look like a costume to me..
I love the look of the gold. I think it stands out the most.
I think the front man outfit is really unique and fitting for Halloween as he is a villain.
I would pick B because he was the head of the games
I would choose Option B because I find it the most appropriate for the Halloween and I also like the idea of being dressed up like Anonymous. Other options follow in the mentioned order.
B because it was the biggest twist in the game for me as it was the guys brother who was the infiltrated cop
I prefer the option B outfit because it has a great looking mask and looks very serious. I chose option A second because I like the red outfit color. I chose option C third because the teal outfit looks interesting. I chose option D last because it is unlikely that I would want to dress up with a wig.
I didn't watch this TV show and I like B the most because this costume is bright and unusual. It might be fun for Halloween. I like A next because this costume looks like I would be dressing up as someone who works in a technical field. I like C next because this costume looks very comfortable. I don't like D as much because this costume feels less unique and interesting to me.
B has a very scary vibe to it and it would make me somewhat afraid if I saw them on a Halloween night. A is also scary in that the design looks very creepy and alienlike. D is a little scary, although it's mainly designed for one gender. C is very bland and boring for Halloween.
I made my choices this way because I felt that B was a very unique look and would make me want to wear such an outfit and get attention. I chose the other ones because I liked the color and design of them.
12 Responses to Option C
I felt there was more variety of movement for the player character. That is why I would chose Option C.
I haven't watched "Squid Game", however, despite this I would go with Option C as my costume for Halloween. It's versatile and could be used for other characters.
I would dress up as something that is not too cumbersome as that can get annoying on Halloween.
I havent watched this show yet, but based on the memes the old man is one of the favorite maybe so I would want to dress up as the old man. I have heard so much about this show but I haven't managed to watch it yet. Is it good?
I chose Option C first because this is how I would chose first to dress up as, one of the players. The next would be the girl doll that was involved in one of the games. The next one would be the person who started the game. The last would be one of the supervisors of the game.
I liked the outfit for option C and A, I thought it would stand out more. Option B, was okay. Option D, was my least favorite. It just looked less iconic.
I think the player costume would be the most fun
I would choose C because it's subtle and only people who watched the show would get it. I think that's kind of cool. I like D too because that character was a good one but I don't really care for the last two.
I like the little jumpsuits I think they're iconic and look badass
I haven't watched Squid Game, but I liked C the best since it seems simple and easy. B was my next choice followed by A due to the coolness look factor. D was my last choice because I'm male, so D doesn't make sense for me.
Never seen it but the track suit looks the most comfortable to me, so I'd wear that.
Haven't seen the show yet but C is the one that will be less likely to get me shot in my opinion. B and A are cool looking and i would absolutely not wear D
7 Responses to Option D
I am female so the only appropriate one is D
Of course, I would dress up at the girl in the colorful dress and semi-happy face.
I am female so I like D the best. The game (red light green light) was quite shocking. I like how she looks innocent. I like the mysteriousness of B. B has a lot of power in the series. C is very plain looking.
The girl in D is creepy and elusive, which adds to the mystery of the costume. The clothing in C really isn't a costume at all. Just a number and most people are not yet familiar with this show.
Love the outfit and the lovely colors. this costume would look great on so many girls. It would make them feel very special
I liked the creepy evil robot on the show, so option D is my pick. I think the contestants clothing would be comfortable to wear, so option C is my next pick. I have no interest in options B or A.
I like to be more girly so I'd def go for the first one. I did not see it but that's the one I'd pick. The other ones I have no interest in at all.
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