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If you are an e-vaper, would you buy this e-liquid based on the image and appearance on the label or box, and why would you buy it?
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100 Responses
I don't like the design at all it seems a bit racist using stereotypes which is offensive to many people.
No, it looks geared to young people and low quality
It looks solid but is it one of the brands that has a good design and logo but terrible taste and flavor and usually that happens when the labels look like that
Maybe if i was younger. I am leary on what carts i get.
i like this post very well.
The image seems to be not marketed toward my demographic, and instead focused toward a specific demographic.
I would not buy this e-liquid because the picture has pineapples on it and I am allergic to pineapples. I like the 80's style boom box, it makes me feel nostalgic.
awesome post.look rocking
yea, i would try it. the advertisement looks fun and exciting and it makes the product look yummy
Yes the flavor sounds delicious and the artwork is very 90s-esque and appreciated.
Personally I wouldn't based on the image alone, but it's a nice logo and I could see it appealing to a younger crowd
it looks a little like MapleStory and I think you guys could have designed it a little cooler a little more high quality looking because it really looks like it's lacking in pixels
yes it looks cool
It depends on the flavor description. I don't hate the image, but it's not my thing as I like cleaner design focused on flavors rather than art and activity. That being said it wouldn't turn me off from trying it if the flavor is really good.
I would buy it because I like the artwork that reminds me of a cd cover from the 80's. Most importantly though is the flavor Strawberry Coolada, which sounds like it would be cool and refreshing.
I love strawberrys but the "coolada" doesn't sound appealing. I would most likely give it a try based on the cool artwork.
yes I would try it. I like the label and cover
I like the design of the packaging just not for e liquid. I tend to not want to support vaping gear that tried to be too hip or trendy. I would feel pretty silly if I owned this product.
They can resemble traditional tobacco cigarettes (cig-a-likes), cigars, ... Regardless of their design and appearance, these devices generally operate in a similar ... This study suggests that vaping nicotine might actually encourage
I wouldn't buy this e-liquid based on the appearance on the box. I would buy it however if they made some changes. I feel that this image is trying much too hard to be hip or cool. I think there is a certain balance you can achieve when you are trying to be cool without coming across as borderline offensive. I think they should focus more on the flavor they are providing. Strawberry Coolada is a good name but I only see a few tiny strawberries on the cover. I think the strawberries should be larger and much more prominent on the package. The same goes for the pineapple. I think they should remove the Hip Hop vibe they are going for and focus on putting this character in the islands. It would make much more sense for him to be relaxing and sipping a "Strawberry Coolada" in the islands instead of holding a boombox. If they made those changes then I would definitely buy this product.
Advertising is to on the nose
Although i do like the image a lot i feel like it would be almost sickly sweet. I would try it though.
No I would not simply because the graphics seem childish and immature. It seems like it's more for teenagers based on the picture
I would buy it because it has an interesting and old school look to it.
I like strawberry so this might be a good flavor for me.
I don't like fruity ejuice at all. This looks lame and I don't like the "gangster" on the cover. Looks like a lame album cover.
Because it has different flavors. I would love to try it
I definitely wouldn't buy this based on the quality and design of the label. If the company couldn't take the time and put the money into this label I can imagine the same level of energy went into their product.
I am not an e-vaper. I don't trust them and would rather stick with regular cigarettes, even though I know they are not safe either. That being said, if I did use e-cigarettes, I would not be interested in the product with this image. It looks more like something I would see in a video game for children. I do not agree with vaping companies trying to market to young children or teens.
I would not choose a product that contained this image. It makes it look like vaping is a cool thing for teenagers to do. Vaping and smoking is not good for teenagers (or anyone else for that matter). I think vaping is better for people that wish to ease into quitting nicotine products. This almost makes it look like it's a cool and edgy thing to start doing. Furthermore, as someone that has not been a teenager for a while, I have no use for products that look like this. I am trying to be a (mostly) responsible adult. I have no desire to show how cool I am by purchasing something that says "parental advisory" as I do not care what my parents think about such things anymore.
I would because i prefer graphic and colorful images that are creative and draw me in. Plus, I like strawberry.
I would buy this product because it has a laid back smooth kinda style. If is seen it in a store it is something that would stick out to me because of the label. Strawberry Coolada sounds delicious.
Looks cheezy. Does not impress me at all.
I would not buy this vape juice because the packaging isn't appealing to me. It seems messy and I can't relate with the cartoon guy on the front. However, I do like the fruit flavors of pineapple, strawberries, and coconut shown. Those are appealing
I think this package sends the wrong message. While the artwork is very nice I feel it appeals to a group that is younger than what I can comfortable with using these products.
not a fan of coconut. the packaging looks cool and if in different flavors i may purchase
I would not. This looks like it's made for children or really young vapers and is exactly why we're having problems with flavored e-juice right now being banned places. I don't buy things marked to kids. I'm mid 30's and use a vape to stop smoking not to "look cool." I bet that flavor tastes really good though, but I would never buy it based on that ad.
I would not buy it because the packaging seems to childish and tries too hard. It just seems like they’re trying too hard.
Creative, but graphics are geared more towards teenagers.
I think it's definitely an appealing design. I like the old-school throwback vibe it has. It's amusing without being cheesy.
i think it looks trendy and new, so i would try vaping it
This reminds me of the 80s/90s and not an ecig/evap...
no because i stick to tabacoo taste and want no flavoring
It looks lame and out dated. It is trying way to hard to be cool and urban but looks childish
Not sure if I'd buy this. This looks a little like a spoof product or something. But I would like the flavor of Strawberry Coolada. And those yellow fonts, up top, are a bit confusing to read on this label.
Yes. For the flavor.
I would not buy this product because I do not like strawberry or pineapple; however, I would consider buying a different flavor because I like the ad style with the graffiti in the background but I do think that the cartoon character should be holding a vape pen or something more relevant to the product.
Yes, looks cool and hip
It seems creative and artistic, so I liked it... but it feels very masculine? The color scheme is pink-ish in parts, yes. But, overall the usage of the guy & the parental advisory theme like an old CD, just make it exude "masculinity!" to me. As a woman, I'd likely see it as for a bit younger of an audience than I am (age 24), and think that it's aimed at men.
I personally just think the label is unique and grabs your attention. However, what would really make me buy this is that strawberry coolada sounds like an enjoyable flavor
I like the look of the ad. It is different and unique. I like the look of the guy in the ad and how he looks a little bit retro. The pineapple and coconut tells me more about the product by telling me what some of the flavors are. I like the abstract look of the background also, it adds a lot of interest
I would not buy it because it has a bad/amateur design. The image is way too busy, and the font is too light. I find it difficult to read the brand name.
No I would not purchase this product because the box/graphics look of low quality. Which indicates the product itself is of poor quality.
very mice and very good and thought well.
No. The parental advisory content sends up red flags.
I can't tell what they're trying to sell me! Looks more like an musical album cover than e-liquid.
i am a classic lover.it's attractive this ad created in a classic method. so really i'll buy this product.
its look really cool i would definitely buy it
I wouldn't purchase it myself, because for one, if I was going to vape, I wouldn't want fruity tasting e-liquids, it is not a preference of mine. As for the packaging, it looks like an old school vibe, maybe early 1980s, but somewhat amateurish. I don't know what the parental advisory label would have to do with e-liquid though.
No I am not an Evaper, and if I was I probably would not buy it because of the image. It looks like it is targeted to children
I would not buy this product if it was available to me. I think the package and marketing is aimed at teens and very young adults which makes this ad very offensive to me. The inclusion of the "Parental Advisory" further leads me to believe that this product is meant to appeal to children/teens and I find this reprehensible. Not only would I not buy this product, I would also actively avoid ever buying any product from this company in the future. I would find a way to boycott the company and certainly encourage every person I know who might use vaping products to do the same.
Doesn`t look appealing, especially with the Parental advisory note
looks very colorfull and flavorfull
The e- liquid base is lovely and the flavour of the e- liquid makes it to be more appealing.
For me, I don't think it would be terribly appealing, seems a bit too young and hip of a flavor. Someone half my age would probably dig it, though!
I definitely would love to try. Never tried strawberry coolada flavor.It sounds exciting. I did not understand the purpose of coconut and pineapple in the image.
The Ad is very attractive and it provides variety of flavor too.
Be polite we have not totally accept this concern to my childs
I would not buy. I can state, at age 43, I've smoked for 30 years. That said, I prefer nivotine flavors in both traditional and E cigarettes and vaporizers. Many younger than I with whom I work enjoy such flavors. Not I, nor many in my age range.
Its whimsical and the flavor looks like it would be good. I love the eighties look and would have to have it!
Looks like a bootleg album cover that would go on candy.
Just looks cheap, and it's hard to read.
No it looks to back room homemade.
No, I would not buy it based on the advertisement. It is too young and I don't usually do different flavors.
This looks more like a label for a weed strain than tobacco E-juice. I think it will do the job of attracting the correct age target to the product
The label is hard to read and I think you are trying to appeal to a very limited part of the population. The flavor looks good, label not so good.
I wouldn't buy this vape product because I'm a grown person and this is too childish. I also don't like it that the product appears to be targeting people who are too young to vape.
I think this image is too cartoony for an adult smoker. I don't find the image trustworthy and there is no info on how the product was made or natural substances. I would have preferred a more informative image.
This box is cool, intriguing, and looks fun.
This is unique and memorable.
Great graphics, make me interested in the product
I would not buy this item most likely. It's e liquid and it looks like it's being marketed towards children. I wouldn't want my kids to see it.
This looks like very cheap homemade packaging, which would make me question the quality and safety of the product. I would definitely not buy something that was potentially made in somebody's garage. It looks like somebody used clip art on a computer from the early 2000's. That being said, the look is very dated. Based on that alone I wouldn't buy it.
I would not purchase anything made by this company. This advert looks like it's targeting kids.
The logo is just too much. I’d probably buy it because of the flavor, but I generally ignore overdone vapors
Although I like the concept of a parental advisory sticker to show it is not intended for children. The packaging looks like a cartoon and I find that it seems like it is trying to appeal to teens.
I would likely buy this. I really liked flavored liquid and they are so hard to find anymore. I especially like tropical or fruity flavors. The cover art looks enticing as well. It has a fun hip-hop looking theme. However, the font is just slightly off-putting. Also, I don't understand the Content Warning- That's out of place.
Cool urban style to it!
The flavor sounds good but the art is juvenile and doesn't appeal to me at all.
It is a decent image and packaging but I can't say that I would buy it based on th is image alone
Not sure. The packaging seems fine if you like the sweet kind of vape though.
It’s not my style but maybe someone else’s. I hate strawberries and anything tropical as well
I dont like package design that tries to be hip/trendy. I am a grownup; I want to vape an adult product
I like the retro throwback to the parental advisory marks on albums (CDs, cassettes, etc.), this reminds me of the 80´s and 90´s, and conveys a level of danger / risk. So that is interesting. I like the tagging-like element of the art, but the pineapple and coconut seem out of place. Overall I iek the imaging and it would certainly stand out and grab my attention. I probably would not buy the product because I doubt I would like the flavor (strawberry coolada).
Looks kinda basic, honestly.
The image looks more like it's an album cover of sorts so I would pass right be it and not even realize that it's a e-liquid. If I were to realize that it's e-liquid I'd be put off by the flavor since it feels more like something to chew on, like gum, versus inhaling. While the idea of nice breath would be a bonus I don't think I'd get much enjoyment out of vaping this flavor as opposed to something that's closer to the actual cigarette that I was used to or am craving.
I am an e-vapor user. I prefer Salt bae as well as others. I'm indifferent on this image as I feel this brand could be better represented and look more professional.
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