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Which book would you buy?
37 Responses to Option A
like the weird cover
The headless man looks really cool and spooky.
I think choice A is much more striking, and would stand out and catch people's eyes in the store. That color scheme also better fits the material.
Choice A is a more creative cover. I think it pulls me in more than the red moths do.
The headless man holding a balloon seemed to fit the title better of the two. It was more haunting.
way more fun and really draws you in. Seems to fit the title better.
Option A looks like a walking dead person because the head is missing.
It's still an ominous over, but it's also much easier on the eyes, has soothing colors, and inspires a sense of mystery. I particularly like the headless figure. I didn't like B because it was too red and not at all easy on the eyes. I thought the skulls on the moths (?) was a neat touch, but I'm otherwise unimpressed.
This is a tough choice, but I think A grabs my attention and feels more novel. Option B immediately puts me in the mind of a Stephen King cover.
feels more unique, something that stands out more, a full red backing just seems dull and lacking creativity
Seems more interesting and less like a knockoff of silence of the lambs.
this one was extremely creepy
I like A because the cover is really unique and interesting and gets my attention right away.
the colors are easier on the eyes and the artwork is clever
I chose Option A as my top choice because it is the book that is most eye catching. I like the fact that the cover looks different than what you can expect in general. I think the balloon as the head is a nice touch. I would definitely pick this book up to find out more about it.
I think the man with the balloon head is more intriguing than the weird butterfly cover. And it looks more modern.
This cover calls to me as being more creative. It is whimsical in a horrifying way. The other cover seemed too generic and was way too red.
I chose Option A. It is a personal preference. I love the more faded coloring of this title. The picture also make the book more intriguing. It seems to fit more with the title of the book. The picture make it look like a thriller without being too scary. Option B picture is too dark and disturbing.
I think the image of the balloon for a person's head is very intriguing and makes me want to learn more about what the book is.
This book seems more interesting and unique.
This image is haunting and eye catching. It would drive me to pick up the book and at least read the synopsis.
I think the image of the headless man in the book cover in option A just looks more riveting.
This is more amicable and doesn't imply that the book is scary. I think it would appeal to a wider audience.
A just really stood out to me. B is trying a little too hard to be mysterious whereas A is quite interesting as a cover.
It is unique with the balloon head.
I'd likely pick this one just because the cover is so...odd.
The headless person in option A is perfect to illustrate that while they are dead, they are still functional. Similar to the legend of sleepy hollow.
Much more bright and not dark. The light grey has a neutral feel for the book as well.
I much prefer A. The other choice is too creepy for me and would give me nightmares just having the book in my house with that picture.
I love the playfulness of this cover with the ideal of the dead talking. I want to read this book.
the headless dude is really eye catching
This cover is intriguing. It makes me interested in what the book is about.
This cover is way more appealing to me. The other cover is hard to see and the one I chose is unique.
I like the fact the head is gone - follows the book title a bit more - beheaded but still talking. Creates intrigue.
I like the cover with the headless man. It gives a sense of terror between the headless man and him holding a balloon, it's very creepy. I'd be more likely to pick it up rather than the moths because I would assume the moths were a Silence of the Lambs connection.
I think A looks a lot scarier and stands out. B is very subtle, and if I were looking at a book on a shelf, I probably wouldn't even notice the skulls in the moths.
Simply because I was captivated by this book cover as soon as the page loaded. While it is pretty cool that choice B has death's-head hawkmoth, the cover was not as interesting. If this book really has terrifying tales, choice A gets me thinking: "Will there be a tale about a man without head that carries a balloon with him?".
13 Responses to Option B
The cover in A doesn't seem to fit the title of the book; the incongruity is troubling and makes me less likely to buy. B fits better; I am a bit bothered that the moth in the picture so closely matches the one associated with Silence of the Lambs, but it does strike the right tone given the title and topic.
Option B has more of a scary feel to it and since the stories are supposed to be terrifying, it’s a much better fit than the humorous cover.
I like the black and red as it shows its more of a horror collection than whimsical like the dead man and the balloon
I think choice B more personality and looks better than choice A.
The bright red links the book directly to scary/horror genre. The other book I would expect to be more focused on humor. The red is eye catching
The book cover for this book seems to be more interesting.
The graphics on B are better in my opinion. They jump out and grab my attention more than A
I would buy B and I chose it because the cover really stands out and is very eye-catching.
The red and black cover catches my eye more than the other cover
The cover is more attention-grabbing and I think it is more suitable for horror stories. If I was looking for something scary to read I'd be instantly drawn to this cover.
I would buy book option B, because the title of the book, the look of the cover of the book, and the images on the cover combined with the colors used, all match up to make it look like it's very interesting and potentially scary.
I think that the moths on B are more appealing and creepy especially for stories based on true events. The moths in B remind me of one of my favorite creepy fiction stories (The Silence of the Lambs) so I'd be drawn to this cover if I saw it on a shelf or an online listing.
Option "B: With the Death's Head Moth imagery and the saturated red cover kind of equating with danger makes the potential contents titillating, immediate and a siren call to horror fans. (Note: Choice A is also visually interesting with a feeling of Dali-esque surrealism that was a VERY close second.)
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