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Based on cover design, which book would you buy? (This is for a kids chapter book series)
21 Responses to Option A
I like A because it's simple and classic looking. I think B looks too busy with the border and all the shapes in it.
this option catches your eye better
the cover feels less cluttered without the border, it allows the eyes to focus in and get involved in the image of the book instead of being drawn to the border
Both are cute - I was more instantly drawn to A - i like the font and the simplicity of the cover better
i like the colors
I think A is better. The color is more engaging
This one seems to be more appealing to my eye without the boarder. The depth of the blue is nicer to look at as well.
This cover looks more creative. Option B looks cheap and that not a lot of thought went into it.
I like the way this cover looks better
i like the look better
The border doesn't add value to me at least. Looks kind of cheesy which is okay for a kid's book, but doesn't mesh well with the picture
A's color scheme is more soothing and just looks more like a book. The busy gold trim on B makes it look more like a video game cover designed to quickly grab your attention. A is for people who like to browse the aisle and make a more measured purchasing decision.
I think the font and the banner at the top would attract children's attention more. A looks more like an adult women's romance novel
i choose A because it catches the eye better with the darker colors than B. The way the title is written in white in A causes it to stand out with the dark background.
I'd buy this book for my child based on the color scheme, font, and because I find the overall design more appealing, especially for a series.
I think that A is better organized, it doesn't look cluttered but still give the tropical feel to the book.
A has clearer type that is easier to read.
That one looks like a normal book and the gold plate is cool, the gold border one looks cheesy and weird IMO
I like the banner and thought the other cover made the characters look purple .
Choice A is brighter and more colorful and therefore more appealing for a child.
i like this one more
29 Responses to Option B
I like the border, it looks weird without one
The brighter one looks a lot better
B looks better to me because I like the border and the fun design
The border on B makes it look more like a lighthearted story than a dark adventure.
I like the colors
I like the top of the pineapple at the top of the book cover.
B because it looks like it stands out more and is more colorful.
The font and exterior border design work better
It has the pineapple colors
It reminds me of kids books from my childhood.
Border outline looks professional and better
The border along the edge is a great touch to the art it has a fun but mysterious vibe to it i like it alot
Like the color contrast.
I think this book cover appears to be just slightly more mature. I like that it seems concise and sharp with what the main image should be. I feel like it fits in perfectly and shows a maturity you would want to see.
I like the graphics better on Choice B, they grab your attention better than the dark muted shades on Option A.
looks more appealing for me
I would buy option B, because it's a lot more colorful and I think my son would be a lot more interested in it initially when he sees the cover.
I like the border around the picture. There is good contrast between the colors. The font is easy to read.
I chose B because it appears to be a bit more 3D that Choice A. It invites you into the story.
fits the name of the book better
The outline/border lends a tropical/pineapple 'feel' to it. The bubbles add to the Poseidon part of the title. The tropical fronds add to the 'cove' essence. All in all I feel like the cover images and colors are more inviting than cover 'A'.
it looks more like a pineapple cove. also more tropical.
I like the frame around the cover. It breaks up all the blue that's in A and makes it look more appealing.
I choose B because the book cover is easy to read and inviting.
I like the border it makes the image in the center stand out more
It fit the name of the book better and the bubbles give a sense of adventure
I think B is more bright and jumps out more to catch attention. It's very bright.
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