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I will never call it only Dunkin. It's been Dunkin Donuts my whole life, and it's a donut shop for crying out loud.
A because the design is much more detailed and appealing than option B
I definitely prefer the old logo and name better than the new one. I don't really like how they rebranded themselves. I liked the donuts there as well as the coffee. I also like the way the colors go together. Seeing the coffee cup next to the name made it look even better
If I was not familiar with them, I would not know what they are selling. They seem desperate to be trendy. They need to put a better product on the shelf.
Choice A is the one because I felt like it was more all encompassing in terms of the wording and I liked the logo with it as well.
I prefer option A. I like seeing the variety of colors and the cup of coffee in the logo. It is friendly and cheerful It makes me feel warm and happy.
I prefer A with donuts especially since it has a better balance of colors. I'm not sure if it's the new one though.
I prefer the old Dunkin Donuts logo, I like the colors and the coffee cup icon is attractive.
More eyecatching with the icon of the coffee cup and the pink donuts underneath
I like this one. It is the one I am familiar with. But I understand if they want to update and re-brand themselves with the other one. I like it too.
A is a lot more recognizable and there is no need for a change.
Option A is more balanced and recognizable. The apostrophe in Option B looks very silly, and on the whole it lacks the personality of A.
I prefer the more nostalgic option in Choice A. I think company logos are getting way to simplified. They have no style.
Still like option A. It lets me know it's donuts and I can get coffee if need be
Option A is more iconic.
I still prefer the logo"Dunkin' Donuts" because it communicates directly the product the brand deals in.
I'm a sixty seven year old traditionalist. generally speaking i don't like changes. if something works, it's usually best to leave it alone.
I don't like how companies try to modernize their logos, I still get annoyed with things like KFC and Pringles changing their styles. I want it to stay as Dunkin' Donuts. Nobody is going to flock to them because they changed their logo.
I think I'm just used to seeing the old logo. The new logo isn't really "new" though. It's just a stripped down version of the old one.
A is more of the classic look. I miss the massive orange and pink contrast and with B I hate that there isn't the iconic pink and the only part of it that is left is a darker pink ' at the end. I think it just makes it stand out less.
I prefer the old logo of Option A. It's an iconic logo that everybody knows.
I Much prefer the classic logo and verbiage. its nostalgic. Choice a is my preferred option.
I like this better. It is more colorful and has a nice pic of a coffee cup with steam. I'm assuming this is the old style.
The orange and pink look really great together and what I am used to
I like the classic because it is easy to remember the brand.
I prefer the shorter and more concise name.
I think B is a logical next step. The brand is identifiable and it represents a growth into other non-donut areas (e.g., coffee).
We as a society have called Dunkin, Dunkin over the full name of Dunkin Donuts so this is why I prefer B over A. As this then is showcased by the color font.
I think there is such strong brand recognition with Dunkin' Donuts that just saying Dunkin' is understood. As nostalgic as the logo in option A is from my childhood, I don't mind the change.
I prefer this simpler bigger and easier to read logo
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