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I spend at least 4 hours per day using mobile apps on my phone, primarily web browsers.
1? I don't use the phone that much, I prefer to use a desktop when possible.
Usually around 1 hour unless I am travelling and then it is much more.
I probably spend about 3 hours a day on my mobile apps all together
Probably around 1 hour a day, everything combined.
I use mobile apps on my phone for one hour a day.
I would estimate maybe 3 hours between all apps . Majority is shopping and social media use
I spend around 3 hours on mobile apps
I am one who is not really attached to my phone and on a normal day use my phone apps for about 30 minutes and on an intense day, maybe 2 hours.
6. Between apps I have to use for work and personal reasons, it's around that amount.
It is usually anywhere from two to three hours per day on the weekdays and 3 to 4 hours per day on the weekends.
Probably about an hour a day. Mostly messaging or banking. It's not like I'm on my phone all the time.
I spend 2 hours using mobile apps on my phone.
I spend about 3 hours on social media, maybe 30 minutes to and hour on other stuff.
Around 30 minutes.
Probably two. I think.
I spend maybe 1 hour.
I'd say I use mobile apps for at least an hour each day. Probably longer on weekends.
Maybe 2 hours a day. I mostly look on IG for the IG Stories or play Candy Crush.
I spend about an hour a day using mobile apps on a normal day, but there are some apps I use for work and if I need those apps (like my wifi range indicator, while doing networking job) I can use one or two productivity apps all day.
Rarely use mobile apps, prefer larger screen on laptop. Maybe 1/2hour a day
0, none, I only use apps on my computer, desk top. I only use my phone, and it's an I phone, for phone calls.
I probably spend 3 hours on average. I mostly use twitter or reddit. It helps to pass the time when I am bored
I would estimate I spend approximately 1 hour on social media apps and games.
1/2 hour at best. I don't download or use many apps.
I would say that i spend around 7 hours using apps in my phone, mostly to distract myself playing games or to chat with friends.
I spend roughly 4 hours a day on apps on my phone.
around 3 i think it was last i checked
1 hour. Between apps and games.
I use my phone for probably 5 hours
8, I keep a game ap open at work all day and use the free spins to get gifts and help.
1.5 hours, mainly just social media
I spend about 1 hour a day.
I typically use a couple different games for 15-30 minutes but things like Facebook and Google take up the bulk of my time.
4 hours a day on average.
Maybe 1-2 hours in total on a typical day, sometimes an hour more.
2, probably 1.5 hours playing games and 0.5 hours on social media.
A lot more than I want to — at least two hours and sometimes closer to four. I want to spend less time using my phone, but it can be hard to cut down.
I would say about 4-5 hours. I am constantly on it off and on all day.
I play all of my mobile games for around 2 hours every day and sometimes 3 if I have extra time.
Because I use it mostly for gaming, I use my phone at least 2 hours.
I think that between all the applications, I use 5 to 6 hours of applications each day.
I spend roughly an hour to two hours a day using mobile apps.
I spend almost no time using mobile apps for I am above the average age that uses their phone as a computer.
Less than 30 minutes. Use more apps on tablet than phone. Maybe about an hour a day on average on tablet.
I use mobile apps 1-2 hours a day. If I am being really lazy it can go up to 4 or 5 hours but that is a rarity.
I use mobile apps for about 1 hour per day.
If i am listening to a podcast but not looking around 6 hours. But if it is something that I looking at on my phone maybe 45 minutes to an hour
I spend 2 hours on games and social media using my phone.
five to six hours minimum is the amount of time i spent on social apps
I probably spend two hours browsing reddit and Twitter on my phone per day.
I'd say around 15-30 minutes
Around 3 hours. I try to be productive as I can to help limit.
one hour for weather, news, messaging
3 hours social media and games
I spend maybe around 6 hours using apps on my phone.
I access apps almost 100 times a day, I am always using instagram and Tiktok
I spent about an hour or two.
I usually spend about a half hour to an hour a day using apps. I don't know if safari or searching the interent is counted as an app and if it was the number would be a little over an hour.
3 hours. I'm on my phone frequently, but probably only for about 2-4 minutes at a time, so I don't think it's all that much in total, except for when Spotify is running during my commute.
3 hours, mostly during mealtimes and on social media sites and games
1.5 hours mostly on games like merge dragons and YouTube watching music footage from concerts of songs from particular artists I like
i spend about half the day because i run my business from my phone
Probably like 5 hours a day. Minimum. Maybe more like 8. I'm on my phone a lot!
I probably spend an hour playing a game on my phone. Typically it's just boom beach.
I don't use them much, maybe an hour a day if I don't have much of anything else to do!
On a typical day, I will spend 2-3 hours using mobile apps on my phone.
I woud say that I spend at least 3 hours a day using mobile apps on my phone.
I spend about 2 hours per day on my phone accessing various apps. I verified this information in the Setting by selecting Usage to confirm the appropriate number.
About an hour a day on average.
I would guess about 1 to 2 hours. Most of it depends on if I have a doctor's appointment and I am in the waiting room, I use more.
I use apps for maybe 2 hours total across the entire day
I spend 6 hours using obile apps on my phone, like facebook, and watching tv on tubi.
I would approximate 1 hour between games like Tetris and PacMan.
3 hours, I have a tracker on my phone that lets me know how much time I spend and this is my average.
Around a half an hour (30 minutes) each day.
Four hours, including music, radio, streaming, social media, messaging, youtube, language learning.
I usually spend about 2 hours in total using mobile apps on my phone.
My best estimate is that I spend about 5-6 hours on mobile apps throughout the day.
I spend about two hours a day on apps on my phone. Most of this happens in the evening to relax. I might look at my phone throughout the day but I am not on it for long. I might check email and then play a few games on my game apps so my husband can play his turns while he is on break at work. Then in the evening to relax I will look at social media apps to relax and unwind, and a little bit to see if any news stories come up. I use some apps to track my calendar and time but I don't spend much time on those on any given day. I like apps where I can make lists of things to do and keep a grocery list, but again I don't usually spend too much time on those apps each day. A majority of my time each day is spent on game apps and social media apps. Of the two hours a day at least an hour and a half is spent on games and social media, with social media taking up more of that hour and a half than the gaming apps.
1 hour a day if not less
Around 2 hours, including email and maps
I would say like one or so
I spend around 3 hours a day using mobile apps on my phone.
I spend roughly 4 hours per day using mobile apps on my phone.
If music apps count then about 6 hours, if not then about one, I play a game that honestly mostly plays itself and listen to music.
I spend probably 3 hours a day using mobile apps on my phone.
I will spend usually four hours on my phone between playing games, social media, and talking with friends.
I spend about 3.5 hours on mobile apps per day
The best estimate I can come up with is probably an hour and a half. Some are pertinent to my job and some just for fun. Whatever the reason I spend too much time on them.
i would say i spend about 1-2 hours a day on my phone using mobile apps. i like to play casino games, and also love to go on tik tok, i get lost there sometimes for way too long
I spend about 1 hour on various mobile apps on my phone.
Maybe 4 hours. I use many apps during the day from mobile games, local news/weather, coupon/savings/deals/shopping, personal banking, news/videos/blogs and of course emails. That is just for personal use. There are several mobile apps that I need to use for work as well.
I spend less then an hour a day using mobile apps on my phone.
I probably spend about an hour in total. I check the weather, stocks, YouTube, sports apps, games, and various other apps. But I'm not glued to my phone all day. I spend far more time on my laptop and desktop.
I don't play games on my phone, but I use Twitter probably 30 minutes a day.
2.5 hours because I like to watch videos.
I spend a good deal of time on my phone, about 2 hours a day but I rarely use apps. I typically scroll the internet via chrome. If I do you use an app I use pinterest for about 10 minutes a day for recipes and style tips.
I spend around five hours of usage of mobile apps on phone especially Instagram and Youtube.
I spend roughly five to six hours a day across mobile apps on a regular day
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