We baked. We Zoomed. We got puppies! With 2020 nearly behind us, what better time to look back on the year that was and consider what’s in store for 2021.
PickFu customers ran over 15,000 polls this year to evaluate creative ideas in e-commerce, app development, publishing, and beyond. Because we love data and insights, the PickFu team ran dozens more of our own.
Pandemic-related polls were inevitable, like this one about weirdest purchases. (A 50-pound bag of steel-cut oats isn’t that weird. A jumbo hamster wheel for a cat…maybe?)
We asked about work life, family life, and Election Day emotions.
We threw in random curveballs about truly weird foods and weightier questions that yielded inspirational answers.
We also wanted to know about people’s goals for the new year. Lose weight, eat healthier, find a job, save money, spend time with family — the most common responses were ones we’d expect to hear in any given year.
Whether you’ve only recently discovered PickFu or you’ve been using our platform to grow your business, thank you for being here and trusting us.
On that note, what are your goals for 2021?