Have you ever worked with a really smart and helpful consumer research consultant? If you’ve chatted to our customer success team, you know they’re great at answering questions, helping you …

This is How I PickFu it, our Q&A series with people who use consumer insights in their work life. Who: Fernando EchevarríaWhere: Guadalajara, Jalisco, MéxicoWhat: Senior brand designer & strategist at …

When shoppers pick up a product at the store, they probably don’t realize how much time and effort goes into every little detail of the product packaging. From the logo …

If you’re building a brand of clothing meant to endure the toughest conditions and come out the other side looking no worse for the wear, how do you pick the …

This is How I PickFu it, our Q&A series with people who use consumer insights in their work life. Who: Katie EckstromWhere: Jersey City, New JerseyWhat: Marketing director at Plugable …

Rafael Veloz, the CEO and founder of Share It Studio, recently spoke about optimizing visual content on Amazon listings in a webinar with Justin Chen, co-founder of PickFu. Share It …

As one of the world’s largest online retailers, Amazon can make or break a CPG brand’s success. With so many products available and so many sellers competing for clicks and …

Etsy sellers spend half their time designing and creating and the other half on administrative tasks — you know, the fun stuff that keeps entrepreneurs up at night. Clearly, selling …

eBay may not be the largest online marketplace, but it serves a niche that even Amazon can’t corner. As the go-to marketplace for buyers and sellers of unique, rare, and …

Walmart Marketplace has become a reliable online storefront for more than 100 million monthly visitors. Walmart Marketplace has a stricter vetting process than popular marketplaces like Amazon or eBay, which …