7 tips to increase traffic to Amazon listings 

With nearly 40% of the e-commerce business market share in the U.S., Amazon is a lucrative marketplace. According to the global giant’s own statistics, about two million active sellers sold 4.1 billion items in 2022 – and that’s just the U.S.-based sellers. These sellers averaged $230,000 in sales.

That’s the good news. The bad news is that the volume of sellers and products is only growing. There are an estimated 600,000,000 individual products from those two million active sellers. To compete at a high level on Amazon, you need to cut through the noise.

So how do you drive Amazon’s 2.4 billion annual users to your product listings? The marketplace is fueled by the Amazon A10 algorithm. This search algorithm rewards success, which means even small advantages over your competitors’ listings will amplify your own product pages.

There are two main ways to drive users to your listings: internal traffic driven by buyers using Amazon’s search bar, and external traffic driven by links to your listing outside the marketplace. Driving high-quality external traffic can help you earn more internal Amazon traffic as well thanks to the A10 algorithm. If you can create a product detail page that offers high conversion rates and draws in visitors from other websites, then you’re going to have success on the platform.

Here are seven tips for driving more traffic to your Amazon listings.

Tip 1: Use all of your Amazon listing space

The first step to Amazon success is your product detail page. It can be overwhelming trying to fill out every field and section, but doing so maximizes your chance of luring serious customers and driving sales.

Every Amazon listing should include:

  • A listing product title that fully describes your product
  • High-quality images
  • Relevant keywords
  • Bullet point lists that describe your product
  • Key product information

Listing title

Your listing title is the first thing most shoppers will see. It should be compelling and describe as many features as possible without looking like a word salad.

Let’s say you sell dishwashing sponges made to look like fun animals. The title “Fun Animal-Shaped Dishwashing Sponge for Kids” helps sell your product while also clearly explaining what it is, who it’s for, and why it’s unique.

High-quality images

Clear, high-quality photos not only make your product look great, but also show customers that your product is a quality item they can trust. Bonus tip: add sizing or size comparisons to your image gallery to make it easy for shoppers to gauge how big your product is.

Relevant keywords

Amazon marketplace provides up to 1,000 characters for keyword tags in your listings, and a lot of people don’t use all of them. These hidden keyword fields are low-hanging fruit for improving the visibility of your product among the thousands of Amazon listings.

You can perform Amazon keyword research using the search bar on the site itself: just start typing in your main product keywords and look at the suggested searches. You can also use tools like Google Trends to find common search terms for your product or industry.  Finally, you can consider learning more about Amazon search engine optimization (SEO) to optimize your listing further.

Bullet point lists

Including bullet point lists of features, characteristics, or other product details are a great way to improve readability on your product description page. The best bullet points are:

  • Short
  • Concise
  • Meaningful
  • Descriptive

If your bullet point list reads like long paragraphs, it will be much less effective. Likewise, if it’s filled with meaningless marketing speak, it may turn off potential customers. Make sure your bullet points give important information in an easy-to-read format.

Key product information

Every e-commerce business has to earn buyers’ trust. Your product data can help with that. Sizing, compatibility, and materials are all key considerations for Amazon shoppers – if you don’t provide that information, but a competitor does, consumers are more likely to buy elsewhere.

Try to avoid jargon or abbreviations here. Instead, make sure the product information is accurate, clear, and practical.

[Do you know what people want from your Amazon listing? Try a poll to discover what information matters most to your target audience, run your poll now with PickFu]

Tip 2: Optimize your listing with PickFu

Amazon listing optimization is about more than SEO – it’s also about making sure that your listing appeals to your target audience. Understanding what consumers like and dislike about your listings can help you maximize their effectiveness in a sea of other products.

The Amazon mock-up generator tool in PickFu lets you perform direct consumer testing using people from our panel of 15 million respondents over 90+ demographic segments. You can input your Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) for multiple products and test different images and headlines for each one.

You can also test against your competitor listings by importing the ASIN for those. You’ll find it in the URL on the Amazon business listing page.

The mock-up tool is easy to use and enables you to conduct quick market research. We offer a wide range of demographics and interests so you can always get fast responses from your target market.

Amazon sellers also use PickFu’s polling platform to optimize their product landing pages. For example, you can use Click Tests to analyze which products are most appealing on the search results page, or for product image optimization by asking respondents to click on the image that grabs their attention first.

If you’re seeing a lot of visits to your product detail page but not a lot of click-throughs and sales, you can use PickFu to assess what is turning potential buyers off. Use an open-ended poll to analyze your Amazon product listing. You’ll get direct feedback from a wide range of respondents within hours.

[Ready to test your Amazon listings against your competitors? Start your Amazon optimization journey with PickFu today.]

Tip 3: Improve your sales rate

One of the key attributes Amazon’s A10 algorithm looks for is your conversion rate. Amazon’s goal is to drive sales. That means it will push more customers to product pages that are already doing well.

If you’re a new seller or are launching a new product, it can be hard to get that momentum organically. Driving a short-term sales program or an aggressive marketing campaign can push traffic to your page and increase sales.

One way to achieve quick success is a paid marketing campaign on social media, or a large discount promo. You can drop prices to drive sales and then change your pricing after you’ve reached a critical mass.

The more sales you can drive in a short period of time, the better Amazon will rank you in its search result pages (SERPs).

You can also improve your sales rate by paying close attention to your conversion rate. Low conversion rates indicate something is lacking on your page. Quick market research through PickFu can help you assess what is hurting – or helping – your success.

Tip 4: Try pay-per click advertising

Check out our guide on Amazon PPC if you’re interested.

Another tool for increasing your sales rate is Amazon pay-per-click (PPC). This is part of the suite of Amazon e-commerce business marketing tools you can use to buy traffic to your page. As we mentioned before, the marketplace rewards success by sending high-traffic listings even more traffic. Using PPC or Sponsored Product ads within Amazon can help you increase traffic and sales in the short term. This in turn makes you more likely to get higher rankings in the search results, where you can then increase your success.

Stacking programs like Amazon PPC and sponsored ads as you develop your Amazon marketing strategy will help accelerate your success — especially if it gets you onto the Amazon Best Seller list. Pair this paid strategy with Facebook ads and Google ads to drive Amazon traffic from multiple sources.

[Make sure your PPC campaign copy is performing at its best. Optimize your content with a quick and easy A/B testing poll.] 

Tip 5: Be an FBA seller

We already mentioned that Amazon is all about maximizing sales and profit. Its first and only priority is to get people to buy products from the platform. As a result, brands and sellers who are customer-centric are rewarded.

For example, one of the company’s unique selling propositions is convenience. Sellers with fast shipping are prioritized, while sellers with slow shipping get devalued in the Amazon SERPs.

One of the easiest ways to ensure fast shipping and get a reputation with Amazon as a good shipper is to buy into the Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) program. Amazon FBA sellers have faster shipping rates, and you get the advantage of using Amazon’s facilities for warehousing.

Users of Amazon Prime overwhelmingly purchase products sold by FBA sellers over purely independent sellers, which also helps drive up your sales and conversion rates, increasing your ranking in Amazon results.

Tip 6: Take advantage of video

Social media is a great way to drive external traffic to your Amazon listings – but you might be surprised by which social media site performs best. YouTube drives 59.82% of social media referrals to Amazon.

That means video is an important tool to use. Videos about products also rank highly among the features buyers appreciate on listings.

Below are a few important elements to consider in your video campaign.

Video product descriptions

A video product description or demo video on your listing helps people understand exactly what your product is and how to use it. It gives them more confidence in the quality and usefulness of your item compared to others in the Amazon store.

Unboxing videos

Unboxing videos are popular because they have an element of entertainment and excitement. They also help show what the purchasing experience is like, which can help reduce the fear of the unknown some online shoppers feel when they’re considering a new product. Unboxing videos on YouTube are a great way to drive external traffic to your Amazon listing page.

Influencer marketing

Videos from other people on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook are all good ways to increase brand awareness and get your store noticed. You can pay influencers to unbox and review your product, or simply send them samples to try out. Interactive content from voices they trust makes your shoppers feel connected to your brand and helps drive traffic.   

Affiliate links work well alongside influencer campaigns. These links usually reward the referrer for sending traffic to your Amazon listing, so they incentivize influencers to promote your product and encourage their fans to buy it. It’s a form of paid campaign that’s less direct than a simple ad campaign, but you typically get higher-quality leads and a higher conversion rate from these links.

Affiliate links also make it easy for your audience to find the product you’re promoting, and give you the opportunity to offer deals or discounts.

You can put Amazon affiliate links on YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, or any other website. Let’s say you’re selling a set of Bluetooth gaming headphones. A good strategy would be to add affiliate links on gaming or review websites, or gift them to popular gaming influencers.

The goal here is to connect your link to a specific audience. Review sites are popular places for affiliate links because they drive high-intention buyers directly to your store, for example.

Drive Amazon success with these tips

Whether you focus on internal or external traffic sources, a keen eye on SEO best practices, listing optimization, and multichannel marketing can help you achieve success as an Amazon FBA seller quickly and efficiently.


How do I get traffic to my Amazon listing?

Drive organic traffic to your listing with Amazon SEO through the right keywords and high-quality product descriptions. Improve external Amazon traffic with social media content, including influencer campaigns and paid ads.

How can I increase my Amazon sales fast?

Pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns and advertising with Google search ads, Facebook ads, or other social media platforms can help you increase awareness of your product and drive sales quickly.

How do I rank higher on Amazon?

The Amazon A10 algorithm determines which products ranks on Amazon. It looks at keywords, titles, images, product descriptions, and performance metrics like sales rates and conversion rates. You can improve your listing with careful attention to these areas.

Jacob Black

Jacob has been writing about products and services in everything from automotive to IT and insurance for a decade. He used to be Australian but fixed that by moving to Canada.