
Make your brand stand out by testing your marketing assets and honing your messaging with PickFu.

This is How I PickFu it, our Q&A series with people who use consumer insights in their work life. Who: Katie EckstromWhere: Jersey City, New JerseyWhat: Marketing director at Plugable …

eBay may not be the largest online marketplace, but it serves a niche that even Amazon can’t corner. As the go-to marketplace for buyers and sellers of unique, rare, and …

How do you create your brand personality? By developing both your brand voice and tone of voice. If you don’t understand the difference in tone vs. voice, you risk making …

Opening an online store without an e-commerce marketing plan is like waving at the ocean. You can’t expect much to happen. Today, we’ll dive into 7 e-commerce marketing tips to …

As an entrepreneur, you’ve probably spent a lot of time thinking about the biggest branding mistakes and how to avoid them. The thing is, mistakes are unavoidable. When they do …

Etsy is the one-stop shop for handmade goods, custom gifts, clothing, art, home decor, and those random but awesome knickknacks you just can’t live without. Founded in 2005, Etsy features …

E-commerce is always changing. Small Amazon and eBay sellers and big-box retailers alike can benefit from staying on top of online shopping trends and looking for ways to optimize their …

If you’re an entrepreneur, you know the importance of a strong logo. It sticks in your target audience’s mind, sets you apart from the competition, and encourages brand loyalty. It …

It takes only 50 milliseconds — .05 seconds — for visitors to decide whether or not they like your website. That’s pretty much a split-second judgment call, so you better …

There’s never been a better time to get into crowdfunding. Nearly one-third of Americans say they contribute to a crowdfunding project each year, according to a report by the Lilly …