
Kim Kohatsu

Kim Kohatsu is the founder of Charles Ave Marketing — Madison Ave for small businesses and startups. She loves SEM, business, writing, presidential history, and pandas.

After listening to your comments and requests, we’re excited to launch some new products that we hope you’ll love. The classic PickFu poll, the PickFu Head-to-Head, is exactly as you …

Mobile app developers often have more than one app to promote. Marketing to users who are already engaged in one of your apps to download another is an effective method …

When you’re building a business, it’s easy to get bogged down in minutiae, jargon, and tunnel vision. You start assuming that everyone understands your product or service as well as …

A few months ago, Dave Chesson, creator of, received an email from Galaxy Press. Galaxy Press is the publishing company of famed sci-fi author L. Ron Hubbard, and the …

There are many reasons to test your business name, but this might be the most compelling: names can influence destiny. Studies have linked a person’s first name with chosen career, …

One of the most popular uses for PickFu is to run preference tests on logo designs. If you’re in the process of creating a logo, learn from these past polls …

We created a video just for authors who might want to use PickFu. Well-known writers including Anne Janzer, Tim Grahl, and J.J. Salem have recommended PickFu to fellow publishers. Want …

We recently created this new PickFu video specifically for mobile app companies. We’d love to hear what you think. Here are just a few of the ways leading apps are …

Amazon is the world’s largest bookstore. If you’re an author, you need to make the most of your presence there. I spoke with several indie authors to get their advice …

PickFu polls are popular among mobile app companies, self-publishing authors, and e-commerce businesses. But these pollsters may be missing out on a helpful strategy: testing creative in context. What does …