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The lightning is much better on this cover. There is more focus on the man in the center.
It looks better
A is more intriguing.
This one isn't as weird.
This one is better
makes a bigger statement
I like the coloring better on the A version. The pink is too subtle in B
The red in Option A stands out a bit more.
the colors and images are more attractive
The guy's pants seem higher up the waste.
This appeals to me more.
I like how centered the two men are in the cover.
I prefer A. The picture of the guy in the front on B looks awkward.
Definitely holds your attention longer.
This picture doesn't focus on the man as much which is better for me. B is too buff, its distracting.
Option A is more visually appealing.
The model on the right looks odd, too oily or something
I like A better.
The placement of the lightning bolts in combination with the model's pose make more sense here.
Choice B looks like a cheesy romance novel/slightly adult entertainment advertisement.
It seems simpler, more pure.
I like the red lettering, it adds a little pop to the cover. How the guy is leaning back makes him look like he's really getting shocked which goes along with the title.
His the neck of the front guy looks funny in B
ted type makes sections stand out
but with the color choices of B - A's is a little busy, distracts from hot guys ;)
Cover A has the more attractive men and seems more alluring than option B.
Both are terrible, but B is worse
A is better, but the guy in B has the better chest and abs, his face is just weird.
the font color is better and it looks more epic
The red fonts make the cover stand out. The guy pose also make the cover stand out it feel that the guy is shocked in Option A.
I liked the red color a little more.
I think it depends on if the guy is supposed to be controlling the shock. Choice A looks like he is being shocked. I like the purple in the author's name in Choice B though.
like the text color more
it looks more realistic
The man in front getting hit by lightning should be swapped with option B, but the rest is better.
The red lettering catches my eye. Also, the lower man looks like he is experiencing more emotion and it's more mysterious since he is not looking at the viewer.
looks better
The cover looks much more intense.
The red used in Option A is more attention getting and aesthetically pleasing.
They're both ridiculous so I'm picking the one that I feel doubles down on the ridiculous factor.
it's more interesting
better designed than other cover
guy is more handsome
Guy in B is way too sweaty. Looks like the cover of a gay porno.
I like the red font better and the picture is a little more dramatic.
I like option A because it looks like he is facing me. the light in option A is more attractive.
Don't like to look of the two models in B, too pretty.
I think the men posed in the first book cover (A) look more realistic and less fake/plastic. Something about the smaller man in book cover B is off-putting--like he's a doll or something. I will note that I like the light pink color for the font in Book Cover B over the Red in Book Cover A though.
Use of red helps with getting attention in poster.
more interesting
I think the full frontal view is a little more... eyecatching. ^.^
I think cover A is a little better because it's a bit more mysterious
looks more work went into it
I prefer the pose of the man in option A, I also like the Authors Name in Red better it sticks out more from the rest of the text.
I like option A better because it looks cooler.
Option B doesn't get my vote because it looks like the cover to a romance novel my grandmother had from the 80s. Option A looks more current and the guy just looks more appealing to me, as a straight man.
Everything looks more centered in option A
Straight on chest is more appealing. Overall look is better, and I like the background guy looking down as opposed to at me.
I like the pose of the man on the cover better on option A. It is more striking.
It just looks better to me.
I choose A, it seems more real to me.
option A seems a bit more veiled and mysterious.. I like that. I don't like the red lettering at the top however.. blends in too much. Option B is too focused.
The authors name in red stands out more and the position of the man with his head thrown back is more intriguing.
left looks goofy
The red text makes the entire poster come together. Also the expression of the man with lightening in his hands seems more interesting fully arched back.
I find this one more appealing.
Contrast looks better and more eye catching
I like the red font best
i think this one looks better
More centered character and better contrasting font colors.
Much more powerful looking.
it is more dramatic
I just like the design where the lower model is centered and facing the reader better. Purely an aesthetic choice.
The guy on top looks uncomfortable in option A
The guy is cuter
Tough choice. Went with B for the artwork, but I like the contrast in colors on A, as well. Add the extra color to B and you got a winner!
More intense.
It's the better cover
The man in the other cover looks too mean
this one looks slightly less over dramatic
The other face is blue and blends into the background too much.
greazy man sexy
Both are a bit creepy
Looks more clean cut.
I prefer Option B, it just looks better to me.
def. option B :)
More dramatic
I think the guy is better looking here.
looks more mysterious
better abs
The cover looks cleaner.
easier to read all white
Book cover B has better looking man and has nice body
The man in the background of cover B looks a little bit older and sexier than the one on cover A
like the colors better
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